Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stress less herbs to help you live longer & better

Did you know that up to 90% of doctor visits are connected to stress in some way. It is a factor in an astounding number of health conditions, from headaches and depression to stomach issues, heart disease and compromised immune function. It even affects how long you'll live, since chronic stress compromises longevity. Not all stress is bad of course it does serve as a motivator to complete tasks. However excessive stress results in damaging wear and tear to the mind, body, and soul. Fortunately there are numerous natural remedies that fortify the body's resistance to stress and ease stress triggered health chains. Wound- up - anxious types would do well to increase their levels of essential fatty acids called omega 3s (which include EPA and DHA). Supplementing with omega 3 which can be found in fish oil-m dials down stress in the body. Omega 3 plays an important role in regulating nerve cells throughout the body including the brain. Supplementing with omega 3 helps adults remain unruffled by normal pressures in life and keeps tension in check during highly stressful times. Researchers have demonstrated this benefit by giving university students fish oil supplements during their final exams. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recognizes the important connection between omega 3 and mental health by recommending that all adults get at least two servings of fish a week. For those with mood and anxiety issues getting enough omega 3 is even more crucial which is why the APA recommends at least 1000 milligrams (mg) of EPA and DHA daily for this group. Sitting down with a cup of green tea is certainly a soothing ritual but if its green tea that your savoring there's even more reason to feel calm. Green tea contains a compound called L-theanine that acts as a natural stress reliever. It may also help keep blood pressure in check and counteract the stimulant effects of caffeine. After L- theanine enters the body certain neurotrotransmitters (namely serotonin and dopamine) are altered so that a state of relaxation is triggered relaxing the mind without causing any drowsiness. The ability to focus on taxing mental exercises may increase with L-theanine even as a person feels herself unwinding. Adaptogenic herbs come to the rescue during stressful times by enabling the body to deal with difficult situations in a more effective manner. Asian ginseng is the best known of the adaptogenic herbs, but there are others that deserve consideration for stress management, including Ashwagandha and Rhodia. Asian ginseng inhibits the production of stress hormones Ashwagandha has been shown to produce a sense of calm on par with prescription anti anxiety drugs, and Rhodia fortifies the body against both physical and mental stressors. While stress is inevitable it's good to know that natural remedies are available to help us face the challenges of life's ups and downs.