Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Loco for Cocoa

Science indicates that cocoa possesses impressive disease fighting properties. It appears to help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol and even cancer. Cocoa comsumption is also associated with reduced cognitive decline of old age. The Kune indians of Panama experience very low blood pressure, live longer than other Panamanians, and experience less heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. One outstanding feature of their diet includes a very high intake of cocoa.
Today people have many options in how they consume cocoa. They can eat high cocoa content chocolate bars, use organic cocoa powder, or take hogh flavanol cocoa supplements.

Living Abroad Boosts Creativity

Students that have lived abroad appear to be more creative than their peers that have not had such an experience, according to a study in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Enhanced Creativity was linked directly to the students" open minded approach in adapting to a new culture in another country. The results indicated that multicultural learning is a critical component of the adaptation process which acts as a catalyst for creativity.