Friday, June 1, 2012

The Four Pillars of Healthy Eating

Health starts here is s simple mindful approach to healthy eating that's rooted in these four simple ways to build better meals.

1. Whole Foods: I know from my own personal experiences in regards to eating healthy foods that it is better to eat foods that are in it's purest state, without artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives. I also feel that that foods that are free of chemicals and preservatives are also more nutritious for you as well. When possible eat whole unprocessed foods.

2. Plant Strong: No matter what type of diet you follow including those with diary meat or seafood reconfigure your plate so that the majority of each meal is created from an abundance of raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, legumes, and beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.It is also important to eat a colorful variety of plant based foods as well.

3. Healthy Fats: Eating healthy fats from whole plant sources, such as nuts, seeds and avocados are a very good way to get some healthy fat for your body These foods are rich in micronutrients as well and have many significant health benefits to our body as well as our heart. Work to eliminate ( or minimize extracted oils and processed fats as much as possible from your diet.

4. Nutrient Dense: Try to choose foods that are rich in micronutrients when compared to their total caloric content. micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicalls. For more information on this look for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) scoring system in your local food markets. Eating nutrient dense foods are also a very good choice for maintaining your health and well being.