Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Keep your memory sharp with these brain boosters. Scientists aren't completely sure where memory resides, but when a brain is damaged by the aging process, the ability to remember can decline significantly. Fortunately, this isn't an inevitable side effect of living a long life. Here is a list of four things that you can do to help you maintain and improve your memory.

1. Keep Fit: If you have a healthier cardiovascular system, you're less likely to manifest memory problems. A study of 1,504 people, published in Circulation Journal of the American Heart Association found that as people get older, cardiovascular fitness seems to protect the brain from shrinking. Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or more vigorous activity may help keep you fit both mentally and physically.

2. Stay Socially and Mentally Engaged: People who are more socially and mentally active or have an occupation that is more challenging and complex, tend to have less Alzheimer"s disease and fewer problems with their memory and thinking. Spending time with your friends making new ones, doing volunteer work, and having hobbies that are creative and challenging all beat watching television.

3. Continue to Learn: Having more formal education is a good start, but continued learning is equally, if not more important. Learning to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language are also good choices.

4. Get the Right Nutrients: Key memory boosting nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, or supplements, and antioxidants. Berries, green tea, concord grape juice, and tropical juices such as acai, are very good antioxidant sources.

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