Sunday, March 27, 2011


When your mayabolism is in peak condition you feel energized and burn calories effciently. To help get your engine going follow these five easy tips. 1. EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST: Research says eating breakfast is the best way to start your metabolism, but most of us still skip it or we grab a muffin on the go. The best breakfast is to have a mix of protein (eggs or tofu), carbs (whole grain toast, cereal, or oatmeal), and healthy fats (olive oil or nuts). 2. LISTEN TO HUNGER CUES: if your stomach is growling for food feed it. Just as important, stop eating when you're full. "If you overeat, your body stores the extra calories as fat,"and if you don,t eat enough food then your body lowers its metabolism in oreder to conserve energy. 3. STAY HYDRATED: Your liver flushes out toxins and converts fat to energy, and it needs water to function properly. It is important to make sure that you drink enough fluids so that your urine is pale yellow, water is a good choice as is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, but tea or juice will also hydrate you as well. Just make sure that whatever you drink that it is not loaded with excess sugar try to drink fluids that are low in sugar. 4. TAKE PROBIOTICS: A recent study published in Molecular Systems Biology found that good bacteria which is available in yogurt or kefer (eat one to three servings daily) or probiotic supplements (follow dosage instructions on the packet) - can help you improve digestion and metabolism and promote weight loss. Probiotics also help the body to balance metabolism properly in the body so that you can maintain optimal health and wellness in the body. 5. SPICE IT UP: Studies suggest that capsaicin, found in chill peppers, may increase metabolic rate for 30 minutes by raising the body's temperature. For serving suggestions add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne or paprika to a meal a few times a day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ten Key Causative Factors in Cancer Development

More than many other age related diseases cancer results from the cumalitive effect of years of discrete, small scale assualts on the body. Oxidation, inflamation, stress, infection, and other physiological insults take thier toll, inflicting lethal damage over time that sets abnormal cell proliferation in motion.

1. DNA damage: Numerous biomolecular assualts strike at the "bluepoint" that cells need to order to replicate themselves accurately. DNA damage is often referred to as the "intiator" in cancer development - the first step in the onset of most cancers.
2. Excessive or chronic inflamation: Inflamation processees trigger the release of a host of disruptive cytokines (cell- signaling molicules) that affect virtually all cellular functions. Inflamation is commonly referred to as a cancer "promoter" for this reason.
3. Disruption of cell signalling pathways: Normal communication within and between the cells assures proper regulation of thier healthy function. These pathways are easily disrupted by adverse events such as inflamatiuon.
4. Alterations in the cellelar reproductive cycle: Cells undergo a four stage process as they prepare to replicate themselves. The cell cycle itself is controlled by signaling pathways that can be altered or disrupted at each of these stages.
5.Abnormal regultation of apotosis: Apotosis is the process of naturally " pre - programed" cell death that prevents overgrowth of tissue. When apotosis fails, cells may undergo uncontrolled reproduction.
6.Altered survival pathways: The flip side of unregulated apotosis: survival of to many healthy cells, paradoxically, can endanger the host by permitting a career to take hold by increasing the odds of mutation and profiferation.
7. Excessive cellular profileration: Certain hormones and other stimuli can directly trigger cells to reproduce without safe limits, especially when the preceding regulatory mechanisms have failed.
8. Aggressive invasion of healthy tissue: This is accomplished by excessive production of enzymes and adhesion molecules that "dissolve" tissue and allow the tumor to literally take root. The word "cancer" itself is derived from the crab - like appearance of fully - developed malignancies, which extend ten drills in all directions into healthy tissue.
9. Rapid angiogenesis: Tumors require growth of new blood vessels for nourishment. They are endowed with capacity to spontaneously generate new blood vessels just like healthy tissue. Angiogenesis in cancer tissue is a primary means by which tumors grow.
10. Metastasis: This is the migration of cancerous cells to regions of the body beyond the locus of the primary tumor. Metastasis are the distinguishing features of most malignant cancers, and the typically herald the onset of end stage disease because they disrupt otherwise healthy tissues.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Sugar Isn't So Sweet

We can likely cut the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by cutting down on the added sugars used in many processed and prepared meals, suggests a study in the journal of the American Medical Association, based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. The food industry often defines such added sugars as sweeteners - foods that provide energy, but have few micro nutrients or phytochemicalls - which is why consumers who are aware of this read food labels before they decide what they want to buy.
In recent decades total sugar consumption in the United States has increased substantially resulting in higher risk for cardiovascular disease due to associated lower levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein), good cholesterol and higher levels of triglycerides. Today the average U.S. daily consumption of added sugars averages 3.2 ounces, or about 18 teaspoons which represents 15.8 percent of total adult caloric intake. This is a substantial increase from the late 1970,s, when added sugars contributed only 10.6 percent of the calories consumed by adults. This study is the first to examine the direct link between sugar consumption and its impact on cholesterol and heart disease.

Brain Boosting Beet Juice

When it comes to brain boosting nutrition, blueberries now have some series competittion. For the first time, researchers have shown that drinking beet juice can increase blood flow to the brain in older adults a finding that could hold potential for combating the progression of dementia.
There have been several very high profile studies showing that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure, but we also wanted to show that drinking beet juice also increases perfusion, or blood flow to the brain says Daniel Kim Shapiro director of Wake Forrest University's Translational Science Center's initiatives for fostering Independence in aging. There are areas of the brain that become poorly perfused as we age and that's believed to be associated with dementia and poor cognition.
Beet juice, the researchers explain, contains high concentrations of nitrates. When we eat nitrate rich foods such as beets, celery, cabbage, and spinach, good bacteria in the mouth turn nitrates, which help open up blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain.