Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top 10 Core Health Basics

1.. CALCIUM. You know it's critical for bone health, but it also enhances the body's ability to maintain normal weight, regulate blood pressure, and help with PMS. Some studies suggest it protects against colon cancer. Look for calcium citrate for best absorption, and shoot for 1,000 to 1,200mg a day in two doses, with meals to maximize absorption.

2.OMEGA 3s. They'll keep blood pressure normal, lower triglycerides, reduce inflammation, and enhance mood. Some studies also suggest omega-3 fats protect against Alzheimer's. Most people need 1,000 mg a day, but if you're at risk for heart disease or a mood disorder, you may need more, check with your health care practitioner.

3.Vitamin D. Many recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of vitamin D in preventing a number of chronic diseases and conditions, including cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders. The recommended dose still hovers around 400 IU'S, but most experts say adults can safely take 1000 mg a day.

4. Chromium. It helps balance blood sugar levels, and may protect against diabetes. Chromium also protects the heart by decreasing LDL, increasing HDL and lowering blood pressure. Most people need 35 mcg a day of chromium picollinate (the most effective form).

5.PROBIOTICS. In addition to treating gastrointestinal disorders and improving digestion probiotics enhance immune function and fight off infections, and may also protect against colon cancer. Some studies suggest probiotics, also modulate inflammatory response and regulate cholesterol levels. Shoot for doses in the range of 1 billion to 10 billion colony- forming units (CRUs).

6.SELENIUM. It may be cancer -protective especially against colon, lung, and prostate cancers. Many studies - also show that selenium improves immune response and protect against cold and flu. Most people need 200 mg a day.

7. GLUCOSAMINE. It has been shown to reduce joint pain and stiffiness, improve mobility, and slow or prevent the progression of osteoporosis in the knees. You'll find it as a single supplement and in combination with chrodroiten. Most studies found effectiveness at using 1.500 mg a day of glucosamine, and 1.200 mg a day of chrodroiten.

8.MULTIVITAMIN. A multivitamin /multi mineral can fill in nutritional gaps especially in trace minerals and B- vitamins. Look for food based supplements, and be aware of any repeat of other individual supplements you may be taking.

9. FOLIC ACID. Also called folate, this B vitamin is essential for woman of child bearing age to protect against birth defects: it also lowers homocysteine levels to prevent blood clots, strokes, and heart disease, and ma ward off Alzheimer's. The usual dose is 500 mcg a day.

10. MAGNESIUM. Known for its role in home and heart health, magnesium is also a powerful natural stress buster and relaxant. It may also improve sleep and act as a gentle natural laxative. Start with 250 mg a day and increase your dosage up to 1.000 mg a day.

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