Friday, May 28, 2010

The Importance of Time management on your health

This post is more about how to manage your time properly then it is about fitness & nutrition. This week was a very busy week for me especially since i had to deal with a lot of distractions between my school finals and business deadlines. This is why it is so important to set aside enough time so that you don't become to stressed out when it comes time to take your final exams in school or to get all of your work done on time. This way you will be able to do well and achieve good results with what you are doing. One of the best things that i did this week to relieve some of the stress was to go to the beach and workout as well as relax this made me feel so much better both physically and mentally. The worst thing that you can do is to procrastinate and do things at the last minute all this does is bring on more stress and sets you up for failure with anything that you want to accomplish whether it involves school assignments, or work deadlines time management is the key to being able to get things done properly and on time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Marvels of Mangosteen the superfruit for SUPER HEALTH

Mangosteen, also known as "The Queen of Fruits," is a tropical fruit grown in Southeast Asia. It has long been enjoyed as a table fruit and revered for it's sweet taste. The therapeutic benefits of Mangosteen have long been known to the indigenous people of Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia,India, and China, where Mangosteen was consumed daily as a "youth tonic" for the elderly. Historically, it has been used for thousands of years in folk and traditional medicine to help support healthy inflammatory processes and digestive health.* The Mangosteen fruit grows on an evergreen tree with leaves that can reach up to 10 inches long. The tree grows very slowly but can reach up to 80 feet. The typical size of a Mangosteen is about the size of a tangerine and is dark purple with a thick rind and soft white flesh. It taste so sweet, like a peach or pineapple. However, don't let the fantastic taste fool you into thinking that since it tastes good, that it couldn't possibly be good for you. I can tell you from experience that it tastes great and that anyone who decides to try it will very likely love the way that it tastes. Mangosteen not only tastes great, but it is also very healthy for you as well. In fact the health benefits are off the charts Mangosteen's reputation as a healing food is due to its abundance of antioxidants, which function to neutralize free radicals in the body that can lead to degenerative conditions. The entire fruit is potent and beneficial, but the secret is in the pericap (thick rind) which contains Xanthones. Xanthones are phytonutrients (and one of the earth's most powerful antioxidants) that have shown to be powerful free radical scavengers. Researchers have discovered that Mangosteen has th highest amounts of Xanthones known to man. To get the maximum health benefits of Mangosteen you should consume it in its 100% pure whole fruit form this way you will get the full health benefits of this amazing fruit.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top Foods To Eat To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Heart disease stubbornly remains the number one killer in the U.S. for both men and women. How can you avoid being another statistic? Although part of your risk for heart disease is embedded in your genes and can't be altered some factors like your diet can be changed to push the odds in your favor. Heart Healthy Diets, While there are lots of so called heart healthy foods, none can be singled out as the key to a healthy heart. A healthful diet of fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, whole grains and low - fat dairy is a must. Here is a list of some other foods that are not listed above that are good for you to either eat or drink. Orange juice, grape juice, cranberries, and broccoli all contain specific nutriients and phytonutrients that help prevent heart disease and storke. But the five foods that are highlighted here stand out from the crowd by virtue of the volume of research that shows eating them regularly can decrease your risk for heart disease. How beans help your heart: The soluable fiber in beans helps lower blood cholestrol, while the folate helps keep homocysteine in check (elevated blood levels of homocysteine often signal clogged arteries). Beans are also rich in potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure. Moreover, resent reaearch says that beans are amoung the best sources of disease fighting antioxidents. How Fish helps your heart: Omega 3 fatty acids in fish help prevent ir-regular heart beats (arrhythmias) and have anti - inflammatory properties that help prevent blood clots and arteries from cbecoming clogged. They can also help lower blood triglyceride levels. How nuts help youe heart: Nuts are rich in monosaturated fats, which when substituted for saturated fats, help reduce total cholesterol and LDL's (low denesity lipoproteins, the bad cholesterol). Nuts are also rich in the amino acid arginine, which helps maintain the flexibility of arteries, making them less vulnerable to clogging. They also contain naturally occuring phytonutrients, such as resveratrol, that have been linked with heart disease prevention. How oats help your heart: Compared to other grains, oats more of oats fiberis the soluble kind, well known for lowering blood cholesterol. And recently, unique phytonutrients called avenanth - ramides that may help lower cholesterol have been identified in oats. Oats also help to maintain stable blood sugar and insulin levels along with healthy blood pressure which are all good for your heart. How olive oil helps your heart: Olive oil prevents the oxidation of LDL's one of the first steps in the arterie - clogging process. In addition to a wealth of mono unsaturated fats, olive oil is rich in antioxidents that help prevent free radical damage and protect vitamin E. Recently researchers discovered that olive oil contains a compound that helps to prevent inflamation much as ibuprofin does. ( Inflamation contributes to clogged arteries). The bottom line is that along with exercising regularly and not smoking , your diet is one risk factor for heart disease that you can control. By eating these provin heart healthy foods regularly. You will be able to decrease your risk for heart disease and live a healthier life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Health Benefits of Exercising on the Beach

I feel that there are many benefits to working out in the beach. Here is a list of some of the benefits of working out on the beach.

  1. It is healthier for you because you can breath in fresh air outdoors instead of being crammed inside a gym with crowds of people all over the place.
  2. Exercising outdoors is fun and relaxing here are a few examples running on the sand as opposed to running on a treadmill running on the beach is not only more challenging then running on a treadmill but it is better for you in many ways it is easier on the joints and it is more challenging then running on the treadmill not to mention that running outdoors with something to look at like the ocean will make you feel better mentally, psychologically, and physically. I also feel that swimming, volleyball, yoga, and Pilate's are also very good outdoor activities to participate in while exercising outdoors.
  3. It is also important to note that not everyone lives in a warm climate like Florida, or California so me being a native New Yorker I look to take full advantage of the good weather whenever I can because we all know that summer is to short up here at least in my opinion it is.