Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Marvels of Mangosteen the superfruit for SUPER HEALTH

Mangosteen, also known as "The Queen of Fruits," is a tropical fruit grown in Southeast Asia. It has long been enjoyed as a table fruit and revered for it's sweet taste. The therapeutic benefits of Mangosteen have long been known to the indigenous people of Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia,India, and China, where Mangosteen was consumed daily as a "youth tonic" for the elderly. Historically, it has been used for thousands of years in folk and traditional medicine to help support healthy inflammatory processes and digestive health.* The Mangosteen fruit grows on an evergreen tree with leaves that can reach up to 10 inches long. The tree grows very slowly but can reach up to 80 feet. The typical size of a Mangosteen is about the size of a tangerine and is dark purple with a thick rind and soft white flesh. It taste so sweet, like a peach or pineapple. However, don't let the fantastic taste fool you into thinking that since it tastes good, that it couldn't possibly be good for you. I can tell you from experience that it tastes great and that anyone who decides to try it will very likely love the way that it tastes. Mangosteen not only tastes great, but it is also very healthy for you as well. In fact the health benefits are off the charts Mangosteen's reputation as a healing food is due to its abundance of antioxidants, which function to neutralize free radicals in the body that can lead to degenerative conditions. The entire fruit is potent and beneficial, but the secret is in the pericap (thick rind) which contains Xanthones. Xanthones are phytonutrients (and one of the earth's most powerful antioxidants) that have shown to be powerful free radical scavengers. Researchers have discovered that Mangosteen has th highest amounts of Xanthones known to man. To get the maximum health benefits of Mangosteen you should consume it in its 100% pure whole fruit form this way you will get the full health benefits of this amazing fruit.

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