Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Health Benefits of Exercising on the Beach

I feel that there are many benefits to working out in the beach. Here is a list of some of the benefits of working out on the beach.

  1. It is healthier for you because you can breath in fresh air outdoors instead of being crammed inside a gym with crowds of people all over the place.
  2. Exercising outdoors is fun and relaxing here are a few examples running on the sand as opposed to running on a treadmill running on the beach is not only more challenging then running on a treadmill but it is better for you in many ways it is easier on the joints and it is more challenging then running on the treadmill not to mention that running outdoors with something to look at like the ocean will make you feel better mentally, psychologically, and physically. I also feel that swimming, volleyball, yoga, and Pilate's are also very good outdoor activities to participate in while exercising outdoors.
  3. It is also important to note that not everyone lives in a warm climate like Florida, or California so me being a native New Yorker I look to take full advantage of the good weather whenever I can because we all know that summer is to short up here at least in my opinion it is.

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