Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Heart Healthy Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt cuts the risk of a stroke for women. Women who eat at least a half a cup of yogurt each day appear to be less likely to develop a buildup of plague in the vessels that supply the blood to their brains. That in turn may lead to reduced risks for stroke, heart attack, and other health related issues such as heart disease, and diabetes. Thick plague in the carotid arteries creates less space for the blood to travel through the blood vessels of the body. In addition to lower carotid artery thickness, women who ate up to a cup of yogurt per day were found to have higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

The Multiple Benefits of Antioxidants

Two new studies highlight the advantages of taking daily multivitamin/mineral supplements. An 11 year study of nearly 24,000 Germans found that those who were taking antioxidant vitamin supplements at the start of the trial were significantly less likely to die of cancer and other causes. And in France adults who received daily supplementation with vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc for eight years had better memory scores several years later than those who received a placebo.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Massage treatment Beats Meds for Back Pain

A new study conducted by the Group Health Research Institute of Seattle suggests that massage therapy may be better than conventional medicine alone when it comes to treating back pain. Researchers recruited 400 patients with chronic back pain and found that those receiving a series of either relaxation or structional massage spent fewer days in bed and were more active then those receiving there usual medical care ranging from painkillers to anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants to physical therapy. Lead study author Daniel Cherin, director of the institute concluded "if your having continuing problems with back pain, even after trying usual medical care, massage may be be a good thing to do. I think that the results are pretty strong"It has also been well documented that massage has many other additional benefits as well for example massage helps to improve our circulation which is very beneficial in relieving sore and tired muscles as well as any aches and pains that are associated with every day use. Funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the U.S. National Institutes of health, this study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taking Steps Against Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, a reminder that by taking the necessary steps, many Americans can prevent incurring the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 79 million of us have pre - diabetes and may develop diabetes later in life. For example I am at risk for diabetes myself because of my family history. New research suggests that inactivity along with eating foods that are high in refined sugars impairs the body's ability to control your blood sugar levels and may play a major role in the development of type 2 diabetes.
We now have evidence that physical activity is an important part of the daily maintenance of glucose levels,' advices John Thyfault, Ph D, an assistant professor at the University of Missouri - Columbia, whose new study monitored the activity levels and diets of healthy and moderately active young adults. He concluded that, "Even in the short term, reducing daily activity and ceasing regular exercise causes acute changes in the body associated with diabetes, which can occur before weight gain and the development of obesity."
The CDC reports that 25 percent of Americans have inactive lifestyles, taking fewer than 5,000 steps per day, instead of the recommended 10,000 steps. Seventy - five percent do not meet the weekly exercise recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate activity combined with a muscle - strengthening activity twice a week.
While regular exercise is crucial in preventing the disease, so is diet. Research led by scientist Patrice Carter at the University of Leicester, in England has found that cutting down on high fat , high sugar foods and refined grains while eating more leafy greens vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Her study, published online in the British Medical Journal, states that an extra serving of green leafy vegetables a day can reduce the risk of diabetes by 14 percent in the average person.


Most of the older studies that gave coconut oil a bad rap involved partially hydrogenated oil which is loaded with trans-fatty acids. But the unrefined virgin coconut oil now available in many health food stores is not chemically treated and is trans - fat free. According to the American Diabetic Association which is a non profit organization of nutritionists, explains that the main saturated that is in virgin coconut oil is lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid that can help increase levels of HDL (good cholesterol).

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Loco for Cocoa

Science indicates that cocoa possesses impressive disease fighting properties. It appears to help reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol and even cancer. Cocoa comsumption is also associated with reduced cognitive decline of old age. The Kune indians of Panama experience very low blood pressure, live longer than other Panamanians, and experience less heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. One outstanding feature of their diet includes a very high intake of cocoa.
Today people have many options in how they consume cocoa. They can eat high cocoa content chocolate bars, use organic cocoa powder, or take hogh flavanol cocoa supplements.

Living Abroad Boosts Creativity

Students that have lived abroad appear to be more creative than their peers that have not had such an experience, according to a study in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Enhanced Creativity was linked directly to the students" open minded approach in adapting to a new culture in another country. The results indicated that multicultural learning is a critical component of the adaptation process which acts as a catalyst for creativity.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

6 ways to ease arthritis pain

Supplements, herbs, and exercise can help when it comes to treating arthritis. Arthritis you may know it as a stiffness in your fingers or an ache in your knees, but it takes many forms, it encompasses more than 100 diseases and conditions that affect the joints and surrounding tissues, typically causing pain, swelling, and tenderness. The condition progresses and can become debilitating as cartilage that protects the ends of the bones gradually wear away. But exercise and dietary changes can significantly help alleviate discomfort.
Here is s list of 6 things that will help you to alleviate arthritis pain from your body.
1. LOSE WEIGHT: This is the first step toward easing arthritis pain according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Being overweight is directly linked to osteoarthritis of the knee which is the most common form of the disease. The CDC says that losing about 1 pound can cut a women's risk of knee osteoarthritis in half. Losing weight can also reduce stress on weight bearing joints. In fact each one pound increase in weight translates to a two to three pound increase in the overall force on the knees.
2. GET MOVING: Low impact exercises such as cycling and swimming 30 minutes a day are great for arthritis patients. Walking, water aerobics, and t'chi are other good options. Staying active can keep joints from stiffening and help to manage pain, and stronger muscles keep joints from rubbing against each other.
3. EAT HEALTHY FATS: The Arthritis foundation says that diet is increasingly seen as an antidote to arthritis pain. Omega-3 fatty acids appear to be particularly beneficial. Abundant in cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel omega 3s are also available in supplement form. The body converts them to anti inflammatory compounds. Krill oil supplements have recently been shown to be effective in easing pain and swelling caused by arthritis. Olive oil has also been proven to be effective as well in easing pain and swelling caused by arthritis.
4. BE AN EGGHEAD: Eggshell membrane contains compounds that are necessary for maintaining healthy joint and connective tissues. A Study published in 2009 found that taking 500 milligrams daily led to significant reductions in joint pain and inflexibility. Positive responces were seen after seven days and continued throughout the 30 day trial leading researchers to conclude that eggshell membrane is a possible new effective and safe therapeutic option for the treatment of pain and inflexibility associated with joint and connective tissue disorders.
5. TRY THESE HERBS: Two herbs from India appear to reduce chronic pain and inflammation. Curcumin is an active compound in the spice turmeric, and boswellia is a tree that emits a medicinal resin. Curcumin was shown to be at least as effective as ibuprofen at relieving knee osteoarthritis pain in a recent study it also appears to protect cartilage from breakdown. Boswellia is an effective pain reducer and antiinflammatory agent.
6.GET NUTTY: Extracts from the seed of the African Shea tree appear to offer multiple beneficial activities in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knees and hips, according to a study published in 2010. Participants experienced significant decreases in inflammation and cartilage breakdown after the 15 week trial the nuts have been used traditionally in West Africa for the treatment of arthritis.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Go Green For Bone Health

Vegetables appear to be a good source of calcium, particularly for people who do not consume much milk. Korean scientists recently analysed the diets of postmenopausal women and determined that "high dietary intake of calcium, especially plant calcium, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and increases bone mineral density. Vegetables may be an important source of calcium and may also provide vitamins and minerals that exert additional beneficial effects on the bone". The body does not produce calcium. This mineral is abundant in dark green vegetables, including kale and broccoli.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Scoop on the Drupe

You might call it a cultural craze, since the coconut has been exploding on the scene lately. In fact the two largest soda brands have both recently acquired coconut water brands. Additionally, you can find coconut related products in health food stores and in mainstream retail. It's everywhere! So let's take a look at this fascinating phenomenon called the coconut. Even though the word nut is in coconut, its not a nut or wholly even a fruit for that matter. It's technically called a drupe: it's a fruit with an outer husk or skin, a usually succulent middle layer, and a hard and woody inner shell typically enclosing a single seed.

Other examples of drupes include: stone fruits such as plums, cherries, dates, mangoes, and apricots as well as raspberries and blackberries, which make up of clustered tiny droplets surrounding a central stem. While coconuts may fit neatly under the "drupe" umbrella, there are important differences within the coconut world to consider. While it is true that coconuts are superfoods packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, there's a difference, for instance between young coconuts verses mature coconuts as well as coconut water verses coconut milk. For example young coconuts have more water and soft gel- like coconut meat. While mature coconuts have less water and firmer coconut meat.

Speaking of coconut water, let's clarify that coconut water is the liquid inside the coconut. Coconut milk, however is made from the expressed juice of grated mature coconut meat and water. Going a step further coconut cream is made in a similar way as coconut milk, but contains a higher ratio of coconut to water, thereby making it thicker. You can even buy or make coconut kefir from coconut water or coconut milk. You'll not only get the health benefits of coconut, but since coconut kefir is a lacto- fermented beverage, you'll also get probiotics and enzymes, which help support digestion.

While we're at it let's not forget about coconut oil - known as the world's healthiest oil - from the coconut meat that contains ultra - healthy medium chain fatty acids like lauric acid, myristic acid, caprylic acid, palmitric acid and more. Don't use just any coconut oil, either because coconut oils on the market vary dramatically quality- wise. Low - quality coconut oils are processed by chemical extraction using solvents or are hydrogenated, bleached and deodorized. A high - quality virgin organic coconut oil derived from fresh coconuts with no GMO ingredients. bleaching, deodorizing, refining or hydrogenation is what you want to look for and use.

Two other coconut products gaining in popularity with the health trendsetter crowd are raw coconut cream and raw coconut kefir. Raw coconut cream is created by pressing or "juicing" the meat of the mature coconut. This creates a food loaded with medium- chain fatty acids that are easily absorbed by the body - providing a yummy source of quick energy. An added bonus is that raw coconut cream has the consistency of cream cheese and has a smooth texture - making it an ideal healthy snack or ingredient in a raw desert or smoothie. What's more, raw coconut cream is perfect for those on a raw, vegan diet.

Raw coconut kefir is made from raw coconut water that is naturally fermented with probiotics, but it's dairy - free suitable for vegans and packed with enzymes. Raw coconut kefir also promotes a healthy intestinal environment supporting your body's immune and digestive systems. Likewise, raw coconut kefir supports proper hydration since it is a highly organized ionized water source. With such great taste and a variety of health benefits it's no wonder there's a cultural coconut craze. So, if your going cuckoo for coconuts, now you have the scoop on this amazing drupe!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Energizing Enzymes For Our Health

Most of us have heard of enzymes, but if you need a refresher, here's an Enzymes 101" of sorts. There are three main types of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes, and food enzymes. Metabolic enzymes are instrumantal in heart, brain, lung, and kidney function, and literally hundreds of metabolic enzymes keep the body running along. They're in our cells, internal organs, blood and even our bones. Digestive enzymes are secreted by the salvary glands, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. They break down large food molecules into amaller units that can be absorbed by the blood and into cells. This is essential because that's how our bodies get nourished from the macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbs. In fact, the enzyme protease works to digest proteins, lipase woaks to digest fats, while amylase works to digest carbs. Digestive enzymes spped up the digestive process and without digestive enzymes, food molecules would break down fat to slowly to be absorbed. Food enzymes are found naturally in raw uncooked foods and help digest those foods so their nutrients can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Food enzymes, like digestive enzymes, help to digest food so that it can absorbed properly by the body. Food enzymes can be destroyed, however, when heated above temps of 118 degrees Fahrenheit. We usually lack enzymes from food because we cook them to death. without those raw enzymes, our digestive systems work harder to digest food. In fact, cooked foods can take up to 2 to 3 times longer to pass through the digestive system than raw foods do. Eating enzyme - dead food also taxes your pancreas and other organs from the wear and tear they undergo digesting mostly cooked foods. Additionally the more stress put on these organs, the less time they have to rebuild cells and tissues or keep the immune system strong. Overcooked foods aren't the only reason we come up short on enzymes, though. Eating processed or fast foods, being run down or under stress, living in an overly hot or cold climate, the aging process, pregnancy, being a frequent flyer, or even sweating can diminish enzyme stores. In turn your health can take a hit because overall health is tied to digestive health and good digestion relies on the right enzymes in the right amounts - at the right place and time. Luckily eating raw, cultured or sprouted foods can help keep your enzyme levels energized.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


When your mayabolism is in peak condition you feel energized and burn calories effciently. To help get your engine going follow these five easy tips. 1. EAT A GOOD BREAKFAST: Research says eating breakfast is the best way to start your metabolism, but most of us still skip it or we grab a muffin on the go. The best breakfast is to have a mix of protein (eggs or tofu), carbs (whole grain toast, cereal, or oatmeal), and healthy fats (olive oil or nuts). 2. LISTEN TO HUNGER CUES: if your stomach is growling for food feed it. Just as important, stop eating when you're full. "If you overeat, your body stores the extra calories as fat,"and if you don,t eat enough food then your body lowers its metabolism in oreder to conserve energy. 3. STAY HYDRATED: Your liver flushes out toxins and converts fat to energy, and it needs water to function properly. It is important to make sure that you drink enough fluids so that your urine is pale yellow, water is a good choice as is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, but tea or juice will also hydrate you as well. Just make sure that whatever you drink that it is not loaded with excess sugar try to drink fluids that are low in sugar. 4. TAKE PROBIOTICS: A recent study published in Molecular Systems Biology found that good bacteria which is available in yogurt or kefer (eat one to three servings daily) or probiotic supplements (follow dosage instructions on the packet) - can help you improve digestion and metabolism and promote weight loss. Probiotics also help the body to balance metabolism properly in the body so that you can maintain optimal health and wellness in the body. 5. SPICE IT UP: Studies suggest that capsaicin, found in chill peppers, may increase metabolic rate for 30 minutes by raising the body's temperature. For serving suggestions add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne or paprika to a meal a few times a day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ten Key Causative Factors in Cancer Development

More than many other age related diseases cancer results from the cumalitive effect of years of discrete, small scale assualts on the body. Oxidation, inflamation, stress, infection, and other physiological insults take thier toll, inflicting lethal damage over time that sets abnormal cell proliferation in motion.

1. DNA damage: Numerous biomolecular assualts strike at the "bluepoint" that cells need to order to replicate themselves accurately. DNA damage is often referred to as the "intiator" in cancer development - the first step in the onset of most cancers.
2. Excessive or chronic inflamation: Inflamation processees trigger the release of a host of disruptive cytokines (cell- signaling molicules) that affect virtually all cellular functions. Inflamation is commonly referred to as a cancer "promoter" for this reason.
3. Disruption of cell signalling pathways: Normal communication within and between the cells assures proper regulation of thier healthy function. These pathways are easily disrupted by adverse events such as inflamatiuon.
4. Alterations in the cellelar reproductive cycle: Cells undergo a four stage process as they prepare to replicate themselves. The cell cycle itself is controlled by signaling pathways that can be altered or disrupted at each of these stages.
5.Abnormal regultation of apotosis: Apotosis is the process of naturally " pre - programed" cell death that prevents overgrowth of tissue. When apotosis fails, cells may undergo uncontrolled reproduction.
6.Altered survival pathways: The flip side of unregulated apotosis: survival of to many healthy cells, paradoxically, can endanger the host by permitting a career to take hold by increasing the odds of mutation and profiferation.
7. Excessive cellular profileration: Certain hormones and other stimuli can directly trigger cells to reproduce without safe limits, especially when the preceding regulatory mechanisms have failed.
8. Aggressive invasion of healthy tissue: This is accomplished by excessive production of enzymes and adhesion molecules that "dissolve" tissue and allow the tumor to literally take root. The word "cancer" itself is derived from the crab - like appearance of fully - developed malignancies, which extend ten drills in all directions into healthy tissue.
9. Rapid angiogenesis: Tumors require growth of new blood vessels for nourishment. They are endowed with capacity to spontaneously generate new blood vessels just like healthy tissue. Angiogenesis in cancer tissue is a primary means by which tumors grow.
10. Metastasis: This is the migration of cancerous cells to regions of the body beyond the locus of the primary tumor. Metastasis are the distinguishing features of most malignant cancers, and the typically herald the onset of end stage disease because they disrupt otherwise healthy tissues.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Sugar Isn't So Sweet

We can likely cut the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by cutting down on the added sugars used in many processed and prepared meals, suggests a study in the journal of the American Medical Association, based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. The food industry often defines such added sugars as sweeteners - foods that provide energy, but have few micro nutrients or phytochemicalls - which is why consumers who are aware of this read food labels before they decide what they want to buy.
In recent decades total sugar consumption in the United States has increased substantially resulting in higher risk for cardiovascular disease due to associated lower levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein), good cholesterol and higher levels of triglycerides. Today the average U.S. daily consumption of added sugars averages 3.2 ounces, or about 18 teaspoons which represents 15.8 percent of total adult caloric intake. This is a substantial increase from the late 1970,s, when added sugars contributed only 10.6 percent of the calories consumed by adults. This study is the first to examine the direct link between sugar consumption and its impact on cholesterol and heart disease.

Brain Boosting Beet Juice

When it comes to brain boosting nutrition, blueberries now have some series competittion. For the first time, researchers have shown that drinking beet juice can increase blood flow to the brain in older adults a finding that could hold potential for combating the progression of dementia.
There have been several very high profile studies showing that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure, but we also wanted to show that drinking beet juice also increases perfusion, or blood flow to the brain says Daniel Kim Shapiro director of Wake Forrest University's Translational Science Center's initiatives for fostering Independence in aging. There are areas of the brain that become poorly perfused as we age and that's believed to be associated with dementia and poor cognition.
Beet juice, the researchers explain, contains high concentrations of nitrates. When we eat nitrate rich foods such as beets, celery, cabbage, and spinach, good bacteria in the mouth turn nitrates, which help open up blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. This allows the heart attack victim to get to a hospital.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Keep your memory sharp with these brain boosters. Scientists aren't completely sure where memory resides, but when a brain is damaged by the aging process, the ability to remember can decline significantly. Fortunately, this isn't an inevitable side effect of living a long life. Here is a list of four things that you can do to help you maintain and improve your memory.

1. Keep Fit: If you have a healthier cardiovascular system, you're less likely to manifest memory problems. A study of 1,504 people, published in Circulation Journal of the American Heart Association found that as people get older, cardiovascular fitness seems to protect the brain from shrinking. Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking or more vigorous activity may help keep you fit both mentally and physically.

2. Stay Socially and Mentally Engaged: People who are more socially and mentally active or have an occupation that is more challenging and complex, tend to have less Alzheimer"s disease and fewer problems with their memory and thinking. Spending time with your friends making new ones, doing volunteer work, and having hobbies that are creative and challenging all beat watching television.

3. Continue to Learn: Having more formal education is a good start, but continued learning is equally, if not more important. Learning to play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language are also good choices.

4. Get the Right Nutrients: Key memory boosting nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, or supplements, and antioxidants. Berries, green tea, concord grape juice, and tropical juices such as acai, are very good antioxidant sources.


You can do something to prevent -even reverse -type 2 diabetes. A diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is often met with anger, shock, and , perhaps worst of all, belief that nothing can be done about it. In conventional medical thought, the disease cannot be cured, patients are not generally expected to make significant lifestyle changes, and at best, complications such as kidney disease, blindness,and amputations can only be delayed- not averted. Literature from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) paints a hopeless picture. However according to president Robert Rizza, MD, "If you stay lean and fit, you reduce your chances of getting the disease by 95 percent. Its almost totally preventable. " The same factors that prevent type 2 diabetes can also reverse it. The Big Lie: "Very few health professionals use reverse and diabetes in the same sentence, says Jamie Ritter- Friesen, MPH, a certified diabetes educator (CDE), ands diabetes lifestyle consultant at New Hope Medical Center in Henderson, Nevada. But the idea that diabetes cannot be reversed is, she says "a big lie," one that keeps people dependent on drugs and brings about depression because there seems to be no hope. When faced with physicians, family, and friends who believe deteriorating health is inevitable after a diabetes diagnosis, says Ritter - Friesen, "it:s easier to go into denial then buck the system "But in her 23 years of education people on how to reverse the disease, she says, 'Ive seen a lot of people pull out of it, although it;s not always easy." False ideas can be dangerous. A common one says Ritter Friesen, is the belief that if type 2 diabetes runs in your family, there is nothing that you can do about your own condition. Other harmful beliefs include thinking there is no time to exercise or prepare healthful meals, or that it;s impossible to make changes. "Well -meaning friends and family can sabotage attempts at a healthier lifestyle It takes determination to make lasting lifestyle changes, and people need help to succeed. However , there:s no denying that regular exercise and a truly healthful diet are a good way to beat the disease. Stress plays a major role in all kinds of disease, including diabetes. Many people allow life to run over them like a steamroller says Jamie Ritter Friesen MPH, CDE. "Take your life into your own hands," she advises. Have positive relationships, have some humor in your life, take a spiritual walk and let the sun touch your skin, and breathe some fresh air every day. On a physical level a mostly plant based diet naturally results in weight loss, and along with exercise, can bring blood sugar levels back to normal. At each meal, aim for two- thirds of the plate to be filled with vegetables, whole grains, and beans, with the remaining third with fish or lean animal protein such as chicken, turkey or lean beef. A vegetarian or vegan diet has been shown to be an effective dietary strategy for some with type 2 diabetes. As for exercise, walking is a good start and usually begins to reduce blood sugar immediately.