Saturday, November 23, 2013

Good and Bad Fats

Healthy fats that naturally occur in nuts, avocados, and olive oil are some of the healthiest fats you can consume.

Ocean caught fish also provides healthy fats that help support heart health when eaten three to four times per week as part of a healthy well balanced  diet.
Fats such as corn oil, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and foods such as salad dressings, sauces, and gravies should be limited. Note: Trans fats such as corn oil, butter, margarine, and mayonnaise are used in a variety of processed foods to improve the flavor of the food and extend shelf life. A few nuts or some slices of avocado can add a lot of flavor to vegetables or salads with less fat then rich sauces or dressings.

  • Good fats are needed for the normal development and functioning of the brain.
  • Deficiency of essential fatty acids can lead to an impaired ability to learn and recall information.  

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