Friday, November 22, 2013

The Power of Muscle

Exercise builds muscle mass, and as your muscle mass increases you burn more calories, even when you are not exercising.
  • Each pound of lean body mass burns about 14 calories per day.
  • Each pound of fat tissue only burns about 2 calories per day.
The rate at which your body burns calories when it is at rest (not exercising) is known as your Resting Metabolic Rate. It's also referred to simply as "metabolism." When you build lean body mass through exercise you increase the number of calories you burn every day at rest. By increasing your metabolism through exercise, you make the process of losing or maintaining your weight easier.

Building lean muscle mass through exercise can help you reshape your body in the way you desire. Consuming low fat protein daily can help you build lean muscle mass. Without adequate protein intake, your body will steel protein from your muscles and organs.

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