Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The positive effects of the P90X workouts on the body

I know that as a personal trainer that there is always room for improvement when it comes to exercising. One of the best ways to do this is by changing your routine around so that you don't become bored and lose interest in what you are doing. When you continue to do the same things repeatedly what happens is that you plateau and hit a wall because you are not getting the results that you want from your workouts. This is where something like the P90X workouts come in handy they introduce what is called muscle confusion to the body and what this does it causes a shock to your body and your mind because you have never experienced anything like this before with your workouts. I personally love these workouts because they are very challenging to me and they keep me interested in working out. The more that you change things up with your routine the better you will feel because you will maintain your focus and concentration on what you are doing and will also have a better chance of acheivng your health & wellness goals.

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