Monday, October 15, 2012

Mediterranean diet + CoQ10 = beter benefits

The Mediterranean diet - rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats from fish, nuts, and seeds - is well known as a healthy way of eating. Now a Spanish study of 20 people over the age of 65 has found that it can be even more beneficial with the addition of 200 mg of CoQ10 daily. The study published in the journals of germitology series a found that C0Q10 enhanced the inflammatory effect of the diet and produced more stable levels of blood sugar thereby.lowering the risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

chemicalls in cosmetics increase DIABETES RISK

Chemicals that are commonly found in personal care products such as moisturizers, nail polishes, hair sprays, and perfumes have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes in women. The risk occurs when the chemicals - known as phithalates -  become concentrated in the body. In a recent study women with the highest levels of certain phithalates had almost twice the risk of diabetes.

The chemicals are also used in adhesives, electronics, and other products. Phithalates - free personal care products can be found in most health food stores.

Monday, October 8, 2012

FOOD JOURNALS keep weight on track

Keeping a food journal can be a valuable part of a weight - loss regimen, according to a new study. That kind of self - monitoring led to greater loss of about six pounds over the course of the year. It is difficult to make changes to your diet when you are not paying close attention to what you are eating What you need to do when you are starting to use a food journal is to log down everything that you eat during the course of the day.

  • Be honest - record everything that you eat
  • Be accurate - measure portions read labels
  • Be complete - include details such as how the food was prepared and the addition of any toppings or condiments
  • Be consistent - always carry your food journal with you or use a diet tracking application on your phone
 Interestingly participants who often skipped meals lost nearly eight fewer pounds then those who did not. Those who ate out for lunch at least once a week also lost fewer pounds.

YOGA aids balance

Yoga in a group environment appears to improve motor function and balance in stroke survivors, according to a new study. Participants - who were mostly male veterans - were placed into one of three groups for eight weeks. The first group did group yoga for twice a week , the second did the yoga and listened to a relaxation tape three times a week, and the third had standard medical care but no yoga or relaxation. The yoga classes grew more challenging each week.

Compared with patients in the standard - care group , those in the two yoga groups significantly improved their balance. Participants in both yoga groups also had improved scores for Independence and quality of life and were less afraid of failing. Balance problems often last long after a person has had a stroke and are related to greater disability and higher risk of falls.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More Dairy Less Stroke

Besides the fact that its one of the only beverages that naturally contains protein. Here's another good reason to drink milk: it may help reduce the risk of of stroke and other heart related diseases. A recent study out of the Kerensky institute in Stockholm found that adults (both men and woman) who consumed the most low fat dairy in a 10 year study were 12 percent less likely to suffer from stroke then those at the opposite end of the spectrum.The key reason behind this could be the presence of vitamin D which helps lower blood pressure, a major risk factor for stroke.

Creating Wellness:Psychological & Spritual Aspects of Healing unit 10 blog

I would have to say that since i have been taking this class that some of my personal assessments have changed in a very positive way. I feel that i have learned a lot during the course of this class and what it takes to become a complete person. I feel that my Spiritual wellness and psychological health have improved a lot over the last 9 weeks with everything that i have learned in regards to my health and well - being. I would have to say that my spiritual and psychological health has improved the most because of all of the meditation techniques loving and kindness, the subtle mind, and mindful meditation that i have learned during the course of this class and also learning more about my inner health as well. On a scale of 1-10 I would have to say that i would rate my self a 9 which  to me is a very good improvement because i really did not pay as much attention to this area prior to taking this class although i have been practicing meditation for several years i did not do it on a consistent basis. In regards t my physical health and well - being I have always been very active so nothing has really changed here I would still give myself a 10 here.

I feel that i have also made some very good strides in regards to achieving my health and wellness goals. I also feel that I have achieved everything that i wanted to accomplish and have made significant progress in this area as a result of all of my experience in these areas as well. This class has taught me a lot about the person as a whole and about my inner health and well - being.

I feel that i have made very good progress in all of the activities that i have set for myself it has been very educational and interesting learning all about the aspects of human flourishing and how we can become a more balanced and complete person.

While i have been using meditation for some time now I really did not realize just how beneficial it can be when you practice it on a consistent basis I have increased my awareness through meditation and have also learned how to get rid of any negative thoughts that I have had in my mind and replaced them with more positive ones in the process. I feel that by practicing these activities that i have become a more balanced person in every aspect of my health.

I feel that i have had some really good experiences during the course of this class and that i have also learned to develop a stronger sense of balance between both the mind and the body I truly feel that when we can learn how to foster good health that we will be able to achieve health, happiness, and wholesomeness in our loves so that we can achieve and maintain the balance that we need so that we can live a healthier more productive life.