Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Creating Wellness:Psychological & Spritual Aspects of Healing unit 10 blog

I would have to say that since i have been taking this class that some of my personal assessments have changed in a very positive way. I feel that i have learned a lot during the course of this class and what it takes to become a complete person. I feel that my Spiritual wellness and psychological health have improved a lot over the last 9 weeks with everything that i have learned in regards to my health and well - being. I would have to say that my spiritual and psychological health has improved the most because of all of the meditation techniques loving and kindness, the subtle mind, and mindful meditation that i have learned during the course of this class and also learning more about my inner health as well. On a scale of 1-10 I would have to say that i would rate my self a 9 which  to me is a very good improvement because i really did not pay as much attention to this area prior to taking this class although i have been practicing meditation for several years i did not do it on a consistent basis. In regards t my physical health and well - being I have always been very active so nothing has really changed here I would still give myself a 10 here.

I feel that i have also made some very good strides in regards to achieving my health and wellness goals. I also feel that I have achieved everything that i wanted to accomplish and have made significant progress in this area as a result of all of my experience in these areas as well. This class has taught me a lot about the person as a whole and about my inner health and well - being.

I feel that i have made very good progress in all of the activities that i have set for myself it has been very educational and interesting learning all about the aspects of human flourishing and how we can become a more balanced and complete person.

While i have been using meditation for some time now I really did not realize just how beneficial it can be when you practice it on a consistent basis I have increased my awareness through meditation and have also learned how to get rid of any negative thoughts that I have had in my mind and replaced them with more positive ones in the process. I feel that by practicing these activities that i have become a more balanced person in every aspect of my health.

I feel that i have had some really good experiences during the course of this class and that i have also learned to develop a stronger sense of balance between both the mind and the body I truly feel that when we can learn how to foster good health that we will be able to achieve health, happiness, and wholesomeness in our loves so that we can achieve and maintain the balance that we need so that we can live a healthier more productive life.


  1. Christopher,
    I think that it is great that you have found that practicing meditation more frequently has benefitted you so much. I think that sometimes we as individuals get so comfortable within our lives that we forget that change is happening no matter what and we need to keep up with that change. Now with that said I also think that we need to keep up but not rush ahead of our self’s causing more damage than good but to move with the flow of time and nature to absorb and reflect all the positive aspects in our life and change with this flow. I know that I need to practice more mental exercises (I am working on it more now than ever) but I too have found something that worked for me at one time but then just let it slip out the door and back in only when I needed it. Well I now know that practicing mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise and a concept that I need to practice for life not just when I need it.
    Thank you for another wonderful post. I wish you the best now and in the future.

  2. Thank you Melissa I really appreciate it and all of your positive responces to my posts during this class I am going to continue with all of this and do the best that i can to make it second nature jusr like physical fitness. I agree with what you said about taking things slow and easy sometimes it is better to just take your time and go with the flow and good things will happen best of luck to you as well in achieving your goals CK.

  3. Hello CK, the way I like your name I hav it as my middle name and I named my son Christopher also. I am glad you have found meditation to be helpful. I have also just realized the benefits of meditation because of this class. I new about using meditation as a stress reliever but it has many more benefits. If you get a chance take a look at the website were they list 100 benefits of meditation I never knew there were so many benefits. I too feel like I have grown very much during this class and look forward to continued growth of my consciousness through meditation and other contemplative practices. CK, I hope the integral health practices you have learned more about in this class will help you be an even better fitness professional through your example you provide to your clients. Thank you for being such a positive influence on our DB and remember to keep smiling.

    Sincerely, Ryan West

  4. Hello Ryan and thank you for both your positive and encouraging responce and for the website that you provided for me i really appreciate it very much I really enjoyed taking this class and interacting with you as well as everyone else during the course of this class. I wil also continue to apply meditation to my daily life so that i can maintain balance in every aspect of my health and well - being.I wish the best of luck in your future classes and in business as well and the same applies to you keep smiling and maintain a positive mental and physical attitude CK.
