Monday, October 8, 2012

FOOD JOURNALS keep weight on track

Keeping a food journal can be a valuable part of a weight - loss regimen, according to a new study. That kind of self - monitoring led to greater loss of about six pounds over the course of the year. It is difficult to make changes to your diet when you are not paying close attention to what you are eating What you need to do when you are starting to use a food journal is to log down everything that you eat during the course of the day.

  • Be honest - record everything that you eat
  • Be accurate - measure portions read labels
  • Be complete - include details such as how the food was prepared and the addition of any toppings or condiments
  • Be consistent - always carry your food journal with you or use a diet tracking application on your phone
 Interestingly participants who often skipped meals lost nearly eight fewer pounds then those who did not. Those who ate out for lunch at least once a week also lost fewer pounds.

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