Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Loving Kindnness, Visualization,meditation etc.

Since I have been taking this class i have discovered how to bring out my inner feelings and to also relive stress by combining all of these aspects of our health and well - being. I actually liked all of the exercises and felt that they were all very beneficial in regards to my health and well - being. If i have to decide to pick and choose the two exercises that i felt were the most beneficial to me then i would have to say that the loving and kindness and the visulization and meditation exercises because they both helped me to get in touch with both myself and my stepfather as well which i felt made me feel very good inside that i was able to do this.

I have been practcing meditation for some time now so i have always felt that it was beneficial to me and my health. However, I also feel that the combination of everything thst we have learned in this class has equally been beneficial as well in helping me to get rid of the negative aspects in my mind and focus on all of the positive ones instead. I feel that when we can combine all of what we have learned and make it a part of our daily lives by practicing it on a consistent basis then we will be able to maintain our health and well - being on every level. It would be so much easier if we were able to just focus on the positive instead of the negative aspects in our lives but i feel that by using these techniques in combination with each other as well as physical exercise and good nutrition then we will be able to achive a state of internal as well as outer health.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


The liver is the body's master cleanser, helping to remove toxins and unhealthy things that the body takes in every day. This includes second hand smoke, exhaust fumes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, radiation, and alcohol as well as recreational drugs. It also helps the body handle the processed and fast foods you may occasionally consume.

Considering all the nutritional and environmental toxins your liver encounters every day making sure it continues to function properly should be more then just an after thought. Taking milk thistle, whose active ingredient is the potent antioxidant silymann is one way to give the liver a helping hand  in helping t to detoxify itself. Take 150 to 300 milligrams of milk thistle extract that is standardized for at least 80 percent silymann two to three times daily with meals.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meeting Aesclepius

I found this meditation to be quite interesting it dealt with inner peace and happiness and wholesomeness In my case i used my connection with my step father who passed away 4 years ago i had a very strong connection with him we often would know what the other one was thinking sometimes if that is not a strong connection then i don.t know what is. I found myself drifting away int a state of relaxation and felt the connection that my step father and i had when i was in this state of consciousness. This type of meditation to me was a combination of all of the other ones love and kindness, the subtle mind and integral health it helped me to be at peace with my self and to clear my mind so that i was able to focus on connecting with my step father.
I feel that one of the best ways for me to continue to foster my heath and happiness is to set aside time at least a few times a week so that i can practice these teachings so that i can achieve a better understanding of how they work on a consistent basis.

The saying 'one cannot lead another where one has not gone him or herself means that if one does not practice and understand that we all are capable of achieving peace and happiness by learning to heal ourselves from within will give us a better chance of maintaining our health on every level. The ability to see the divine in everyone and treat each individual as though he or she so that they will be able to transform and eliminate the suffering inside themselves and replace it with more positive feeling of health, happiness, and wholesomeness and create the necessary balance in our lives that we need in order for us to obtain inner peace in our minds mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. I have always felt that practice makes perfect and in this case i feel that it is essential as well.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Gycemic Index: Why Do We Care?

The Gycemic index is a measure of how much a given food (like fruit) raises your blood sugar. High - sugar foods that convert quickly to sugar in the body - are considered "high glycemic." Why do we care? Because raising blood sugar raises levels of a hormone called insulin, which if raised high enough and long enough and frequently enough, contributes to diabetes, heart disease, and aging. Eating "low glycemic" is a strategy that is virtually guaranteed to contribute to health.

Unfortunately, the glyceminc index is very misleading because it doesn't take into account portion size. The glycemic load is the number that's more important. For now, the take home point of this: Eat less sugar: And eat more fewer foods that convert quickly to sugar in the body ( read: almost all processed carbohydrates). If you're interested in learning more about this - something I would recommend highly that you do - there are so many clear, well written articles on this subject. An excellent article for beginners can be found at http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/glycemicindex.html. Hormel foods also has a good introductory article at http://www.hormel.com/templates/knowledge.asp?caritenid=108&id=767 If your dig into science a little deeper try this article posted on the Oregon State University Web at http://www.lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/foods/grains/gigl.html

Finally the actual tables of the glycemic index and glycemic load can be found at http://www.mendosa.com/glists.htm Remember it is the glycemic load that you want to pay attention to.

Universal Loving and Kindness

I have actually been practicing meditation for years now I have always felt that is is very beneficial to my health and well - being. Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety and it also helps me to concentrate on what i am doing by helping me to focus on what i doing and to also get rid of any of the negative thoughts that are going on in my head at the time.

I discovered that when i can clear my mind of any negative thoughts that i am able to focus more clearly on the things that are more important to me and that i can become one with myself as well. I also feel that it is absolutely essential for us to maintain proper balance in every aspect of our lives so that we can maintain a state of well- being.

I feel that i have always been very motivated as a person because i grew up doing most things for my self in my life so this kind of puts things in perspective for me. If there is an area that i would like to focus more on i would have to say that it would have to be love and kindness because i feel that it would be very helpful for me to think more about and focus my attention on the people who mean the most to me my closest friends and family and most importantly to be able to heal my self from within.

Some of the activities that i would incorporate into my routine that i feel would be beneficial to me would involve a combination of physical exercise like running or cross training examples of this would be weight training, calisthtics, boxing, and plyometrics. I would also focus on the mental aspects of things like meditation, yoga, reading, and relaxing. In my case the beach has always made me feel good because i am an outdoor person and i enjoy doing many things out doors weather I am at the beach or a park or even if I am on vacation somewhere nice and peaceful.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tart Cheery Juice Aids Joint Pain

Tart cherries may help reduce chronic inflammation especially, especially related to joint pain and arthritis . According to new research from the Oregon Health & Science University. Woman with inflammatory osteoarthritis who drank tart cherry juice twice a day for three weeks saw  significant reductions in markers of inflammation. The reductions were particularly pronounced for those who had the highest levels of inflammation at the start of the trial.

With millions of Americans looking for ways to naturally manage pain. Its promising that tart cherries can help, without the possible side effects often associated with arthritis medications.