Thursday, September 6, 2012

Universal Loving and Kindness

I have actually been practicing meditation for years now I have always felt that is is very beneficial to my health and well - being. Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety and it also helps me to concentrate on what i am doing by helping me to focus on what i doing and to also get rid of any of the negative thoughts that are going on in my head at the time.

I discovered that when i can clear my mind of any negative thoughts that i am able to focus more clearly on the things that are more important to me and that i can become one with myself as well. I also feel that it is absolutely essential for us to maintain proper balance in every aspect of our lives so that we can maintain a state of well- being.

I feel that i have always been very motivated as a person because i grew up doing most things for my self in my life so this kind of puts things in perspective for me. If there is an area that i would like to focus more on i would have to say that it would have to be love and kindness because i feel that it would be very helpful for me to think more about and focus my attention on the people who mean the most to me my closest friends and family and most importantly to be able to heal my self from within.

Some of the activities that i would incorporate into my routine that i feel would be beneficial to me would involve a combination of physical exercise like running or cross training examples of this would be weight training, calisthtics, boxing, and plyometrics. I would also focus on the mental aspects of things like meditation, yoga, reading, and relaxing. In my case the beach has always made me feel good because i am an outdoor person and i enjoy doing many things out doors weather I am at the beach or a park or even if I am on vacation somewhere nice and peaceful.


  1. Hello Chris.

    I have just start meditating and enjoy it very much. During this exercise it was hard to get into my inner mind. However, I did start to feel very at peace while reciting the phrases over and over. After awhile I started to feel at ease with my problems and everything felt as if it was going to be alright. I think I will have to practice this exercise a few more times in order to fully appreciate it.

  2. Hello Shawn it takes some time for us to unwind and relax which is why we always need to be patient and give these things a try before we decide weather or not they work for us. I recently tried a site that deals with hypnotherapy i found it to als be effective i helping me to realx. check it out when you get the chance Chris.

  3. I agree that meditation is a part of integral health and can allow us to get rid of those negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are like a snowball effect for me, they just add up and finally corrupt any positivity that there is left. I also agree that with the calm abiding approach, I can recognize the negative thought and just let it dissolve into nothingness. I try and try again to not dwell on certain negativity and guide myself towards a clear and positive mind and find that meditation helps, as well as exercise and good sleep. Work can be difficult, life and relationships, the day to day or night to night stressors one can endure is inevitable. These practices are great and have been created to tackle such issues and allow oneself to reach optimal health. I know with time and practice this is a tool of great power.
