Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meeting Aesclepius

I found this meditation to be quite interesting it dealt with inner peace and happiness and wholesomeness In my case i used my connection with my step father who passed away 4 years ago i had a very strong connection with him we often would know what the other one was thinking sometimes if that is not a strong connection then i don.t know what is. I found myself drifting away int a state of relaxation and felt the connection that my step father and i had when i was in this state of consciousness. This type of meditation to me was a combination of all of the other ones love and kindness, the subtle mind and integral health it helped me to be at peace with my self and to clear my mind so that i was able to focus on connecting with my step father.
I feel that one of the best ways for me to continue to foster my heath and happiness is to set aside time at least a few times a week so that i can practice these teachings so that i can achieve a better understanding of how they work on a consistent basis.

The saying 'one cannot lead another where one has not gone him or herself means that if one does not practice and understand that we all are capable of achieving peace and happiness by learning to heal ourselves from within will give us a better chance of maintaining our health on every level. The ability to see the divine in everyone and treat each individual as though he or she so that they will be able to transform and eliminate the suffering inside themselves and replace it with more positive feeling of health, happiness, and wholesomeness and create the necessary balance in our lives that we need in order for us to obtain inner peace in our minds mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. I have always felt that practice makes perfect and in this case i feel that it is essential as well.


  1. Hello Chris.

    The Meeting Aesclepius exercise was very similar to the loving-kindness exercise in that I felt the same kind of love. Although when I did both exercises I envisioned two totally different people, the feeling of love and warmth was almost identical. These exercises prove to me that we can generate that deep feeling of love that we often believe only comes from another person. I guess that feeling of love has been within us the entire time and that is where it originates from.

  2. Helly Shawn and thank you for responding to my blog I appreciate it. I agree that we are able to clear our minds out of all of the clutter and focus really hard that we can generate that deep feeling of love from another person.
