Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Loving Kindnness, Visualization,meditation etc.

Since I have been taking this class i have discovered how to bring out my inner feelings and to also relive stress by combining all of these aspects of our health and well - being. I actually liked all of the exercises and felt that they were all very beneficial in regards to my health and well - being. If i have to decide to pick and choose the two exercises that i felt were the most beneficial to me then i would have to say that the loving and kindness and the visulization and meditation exercises because they both helped me to get in touch with both myself and my stepfather as well which i felt made me feel very good inside that i was able to do this.

I have been practcing meditation for some time now so i have always felt that it was beneficial to me and my health. However, I also feel that the combination of everything thst we have learned in this class has equally been beneficial as well in helping me to get rid of the negative aspects in my mind and focus on all of the positive ones instead. I feel that when we can combine all of what we have learned and make it a part of our daily lives by practicing it on a consistent basis then we will be able to maintain our health and well - being on every level. It would be so much easier if we were able to just focus on the positive instead of the negative aspects in our lives but i feel that by using these techniques in combination with each other as well as physical exercise and good nutrition then we will be able to achive a state of internal as well as outer health.


  1. I agree that stress is more under control with the teachings of this wonderful class. It has been a beneficial education to me and has helped me through tough decisions, and difficult times. I agree that the time is worth it. If we put in the time we will achieve what we want, it’s just about doing it right the first time. It’s like eggs without toast or cookies without milk, we must integrate all aspects of our life in order to get the best conclusion. I learned that our outer health is nothing without our inner health and the work in junction with one another. Mind, body, and spirit all are pieces of a puzzle that once put together really show us the big picture of health.

  2. Hello Kevin and thank you for responding I appreciate it. I agree this class has been a very good class i have enjoyed it very much and i also like your assessments that you have mentioned as well. I feel that we do not have our health in life that nothing else matters and its true it all starts from withon ourselves and works its way to the outer surface and that all of these aspects work together to make us as complete a person as possible.
