Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Subtle Mind

When i compare the two practices love and kindness and the subtle mind I would have to say that i felt that the love and kindnes presentation was a better experience for me because of the fact that it mentioned more things in regards to how we feel in certain situations in regards to our health. However. while i felt that the subtle mind was interesting it seemed to focus more on breath control and how we can forcus on our feelings and thoughts .

I feel that the connection of spiritual wellness and physical wellness is direcly related to our ability to function as ssingle unit both mentally and physically so that we can manitain proepr balence within ourselves. I feel tha that thi shas manifested itself in many ways in regards to my personal life. I have always felt that if we are able to find a connection between our minds and our bodies that we will be able to maintain a spiritual and physical wellness in our lives. I feel that when i am able to focus on what i need to do and accomplish my goals that I am able to achieve peace and harmony throughout my mind and my body on a regular basis.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bootcamp Workouts

Boot camp workouts are very intense and invigorating they get your heart rate up and really make you sweat. I also enjoy doing them as part of my own workout routine as well. The concept of doing this type of workout is that it incorporates a lot of variety into your workout routine. It also provides a total body workout by incorporating multi joint movement exercises that involve the entire body in just one movement. Boot camp workouts are also very good for changing pace from slow deliberate movements that involve isometric exercises like the squat or lung to something that is fast like sprinting and jumping. I also feel that these types of workouts are among the best types of workouts that you can do for yourself  because they incorporate so much variety into your workout routine which will also help you to get the desired results that you are looking for so that you can achieve your health and wellness goals.

Love and Kindness

I enjoyed watching this video it made me feel very relaxed and helped me to focus on all of the aspects of love and kindness. I would definitely recommend this to other people as well because i feel that it will help them to relieve their negative thoughts that they are carrying within themselves. I also feel that I was able to focus and embrace the nature of this video as well. I especially enjoyed the part about giving all of  our friends equal care, love, and kindness, and embracing them in your life on a daily basis.

I feel that the concept of a mental workout is to be able to focus on knowing what is good for us and what is bad for us. I also feel that by implementing my psychological health that i will be able to obtain peace within my mind and body.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Light Weights Build Muscle

Lifting light weights can be just as effective for building muscle as training with heavy weights. I know from my own experience that weight training weather it involves heavy weights or light weights can both be very effective in gaining muscle. The key in any case to building muscle is  working to the point of fatigue. It also helps when you add enough variety to your workout routine as well so that your body does not get to used to the same routine over and over again. This of course challenges the widely held belief that training with heavy weights - which can be lifted 6 to 12 times before fatigue - is the best avenue to muscle growth. Healthy male volunteers were tested to determine the maximum amount each could lift at a knee extension station. They then did these weight - lifting sessions every week for about 10 weeks. Those who did these three sets with 30% percent of their maximum weight saw twice as muscle growth as those who lifted 80% percent of their maximum just one set. Their muscle growth (though not their strength) was equal to a group that did three sets with 80% percent of their max. Many older adults can have joint problems that would prevent them from training with heavy loads may want to consider lifting lighter loads of weight with more repetitions so that they can reduce their chances of injury.  Training with lighter loads of weight can still receive the healthy benefits of working out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Unit 3 Blog

1. Based on your reflections and on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being optimal well being) where do you rate your A- Physical well-being, B- Spiritual well-being, and C- Psychological well-being? Why?

I would have to say that i would rate myself  a 10 physically because i always do what ever it takes to keep myself in the best shape possible with everything that i do in m my workout routine. I would also rate myself very high in regards to my spiritual well-being because believe that in order for us to have optimal health in our lives it is necessary to have proper balance for everything that we do that is hard like weight training we need to also have something soft like meditation to maintain balance in everything that we do. I feel that psychologically that i can use a little help in this area because i am going through a lot of stress right now in my life and i will find a way to help make this area better for my self.

2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area physical, spiritual. and psychological.

In regards to my physical well-being i feel that i do enough variety with my workout routine that i do not need to change anything because I do a lot of cross training and i also do some other things like yoga, and meditation to add balance as well My goal in all of these areas is to keep everything fresh so that do not become bored with what i am doing to me this is one of the most important things that you can do with any type of routine that we do in our life. Physically i would keep doing what i am happy doing. Spiritually i would try to meditate more often and listen to the sounds of the ocean  or something soothing that makes me feel relaxed. And Psychologically I would try to relax more and do some things that will help me to remain calm.

4.. Complete the relaxation exercise the crime of the century. I felt that this video was very relaxing I like how he mentioned colors for every part of the body so that it would be easy to use for reference when he repeated them later on in the video. I also found this video to be helpful in helping me to relax as well.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Amino acids: They're the building blocks of life. Organic compounds that combine to form proteins, amino acids are used by the body to break down food to grow, to repair tissue, and to perform many other functions. We need all of the nearly two dozen amino acids, but it's especially important to be aware of those that are classified as essential because they can't be produced by the body. We need to get them from the nutrients we take in. Here is a rundown of the nine essential amino acids, why we need them and what we should eat to be sure we're getting them.

Histidine: Food Sources rice, wheat, rye. Benefits: Promotes tissue growth and repair, protects against radiation damage. lowers blood pressure. stimulates stomach acid; may improve sexual functioning.

Isoleucine: Food Sources Almonds, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, and soy protein. Benefits: Requir4d for hemoglobin formation: stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy levels, enhances endurance repairs muscle tissue.

Leucine: Food Sources Brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy flour, and whole wheat. Benefits: Source of fuel promotes healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue: increases growth hormone production, lowers elevated blood sugar levels.

Lysine: Food Sources cheese, eggs, fish, Lima beans, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy products and yeast. Benefits: fights cold sores and herpes viruses: promotes calcium absorption, growth and bone development in children, collagen formation, and tissue repair.

Methionine: Food Sources beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt. Benefits: helps prevent fat buildup in liver and arteries aids in digestion, removes heavy metal toxins, fights muscle weakness, prevents brittle hair, protects against radiation damage.

Phenylalanine: Food Sources beef, poultry, pork, fish, milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, and soy products. Benefits: promotes action of central nervous system, may elevate mood and decrease pain, aids in memory and learning, helps suppress appetite.

Theonine: Food Sources dairy. eggs, meat, wheat germ, nuts, beans, seeds, and some vegetables. Benefits: helps maintain body's protein balance, aids in liver function enhances immune system, aids in formation of collagen elastin, and tooth enamel.

Tryptophan: Food Sources brown rice, cottage cheese, meant, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits needed for production of niacin and serotonin, combats depression and insomnia, helps stabilize mood aids in weight control.

Valine: Food Sources dairy, grains, meat, mushrooms, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits used in muscle metabolism, tissue repair and nitrogen balance.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Exercise aids sleep

People who make exercise a regular part of their routine are less likely to have trouble falling asleep, to wake up to early, or suffer from leg cramps while sleeping according to a recent survey. Meeting federal exercise guidlines (150 minutes per week of moderate activity or 90 minutes of vigerous activity also has led to less daytime sleepiness as well.