Monday, August 27, 2012

Love and Kindness

I enjoyed watching this video it made me feel very relaxed and helped me to focus on all of the aspects of love and kindness. I would definitely recommend this to other people as well because i feel that it will help them to relieve their negative thoughts that they are carrying within themselves. I also feel that I was able to focus and embrace the nature of this video as well. I especially enjoyed the part about giving all of  our friends equal care, love, and kindness, and embracing them in your life on a daily basis.

I feel that the concept of a mental workout is to be able to focus on knowing what is good for us and what is bad for us. I also feel that by implementing my psychological health that i will be able to obtain peace within my mind and body.


  1. Chris,
    I think that it is great that you found this exercise helpful. I personally had a hard time with it but I realize that what might work for one will not work for another. I do agree with you though that releasing our negative thoughts is something that no matter how one does it should be done. I also like your comment about giving back the love and kindness to others on a daily basis. I think that while we are practicing this in our mental exercises we then use that in real life as well.
    I would have to say that I have really enjoyed following your blog. It is very well done and I love all the information that you put on here. It has encouraged me to do the same; anytime I read or research new information that I feel is important to share with others, I post it. I also realize that you and I have some similarities but also differences (like all people) but that does not make either of us wrong because one exercise worked for me and not you or you but not me, it just proves that one’s health is a journey that with a little guidance can find a mental, physical and spiritual wholeness.
    Great post and I look forward to reading more,
    Thanks Melissa Brandt

    1. Hello Melissa thanks for responding to my blog and for your postive comments as well I apprecite it CK.

  2. Hi Chris,

    I must have missed something. What video? I have only been listening to audio. Unfortunately, I have still been unable to succesfully that complete due to Hurricane Isaac approaching the Louisiana coast. I am glad you were able to experience such a good outcome. I could imagine its effectiveness since just the very beginning calmed me to the point that I was able to begin falling into a deep sleep state. After reader Dacher's text, I can agree that this exercise can be very effective in bringing peace upon an indivdual so that they can outwardly act in peace towards others in love and empathy.

    1. oops my mistake i meant to say audio presentation i guess that's waht happens when you don't get enough sleep thanks for the responce I apprecitr it CK.

  3. Hello CK glad to hear that this exercise worked out so well for you! We all need to find a way to balance our loving between our self-love and our outward love to others. I do have to admit this exercise was challenging for me not for its content but for her voice and I guess I will have to start sending some love her way since she sounded kind of depressed in my opinion.Keep smiling, exercising, meditating, and being a great source of insperation CK.

    Sincerely, Ryan West

    1. Hello Ryan you actually have a good point there her voice did kind of sound depresing to a certan degree I also love the sound of waves from the beach crshing against the rocks that always seems to help me to relax because i love the beach so much thanks for reponding i appreciate it CK.
