Thursday, August 2, 2012


Amino acids: They're the building blocks of life. Organic compounds that combine to form proteins, amino acids are used by the body to break down food to grow, to repair tissue, and to perform many other functions. We need all of the nearly two dozen amino acids, but it's especially important to be aware of those that are classified as essential because they can't be produced by the body. We need to get them from the nutrients we take in. Here is a rundown of the nine essential amino acids, why we need them and what we should eat to be sure we're getting them.

Histidine: Food Sources rice, wheat, rye. Benefits: Promotes tissue growth and repair, protects against radiation damage. lowers blood pressure. stimulates stomach acid; may improve sexual functioning.

Isoleucine: Food Sources Almonds, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, and soy protein. Benefits: Requir4d for hemoglobin formation: stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy levels, enhances endurance repairs muscle tissue.

Leucine: Food Sources Brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy flour, and whole wheat. Benefits: Source of fuel promotes healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue: increases growth hormone production, lowers elevated blood sugar levels.

Lysine: Food Sources cheese, eggs, fish, Lima beans, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy products and yeast. Benefits: fights cold sores and herpes viruses: promotes calcium absorption, growth and bone development in children, collagen formation, and tissue repair.

Methionine: Food Sources beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt. Benefits: helps prevent fat buildup in liver and arteries aids in digestion, removes heavy metal toxins, fights muscle weakness, prevents brittle hair, protects against radiation damage.

Phenylalanine: Food Sources beef, poultry, pork, fish, milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, and soy products. Benefits: promotes action of central nervous system, may elevate mood and decrease pain, aids in memory and learning, helps suppress appetite.

Theonine: Food Sources dairy. eggs, meat, wheat germ, nuts, beans, seeds, and some vegetables. Benefits: helps maintain body's protein balance, aids in liver function enhances immune system, aids in formation of collagen elastin, and tooth enamel.

Tryptophan: Food Sources brown rice, cottage cheese, meant, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits needed for production of niacin and serotonin, combats depression and insomnia, helps stabilize mood aids in weight control.

Valine: Food Sources dairy, grains, meat, mushrooms, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits used in muscle metabolism, tissue repair and nitrogen balance.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is great that you have such confidence and a good outlook on your physical and spiritual well-being. I think that for most people the hardest part of these three areas is psychological because it is the one area as an individual that we have to work really on. Now I am not saying that spiritually or physically it is easy to rate higher in one’s life because for some it is not but I do think that for some people (like you stated and so did I) that training the mind is the hardest part to feel the most optimal well-being.
    I think that you make a great point that we must continuously change our routine to keep things fresh. Which I would also have to agree that this really goes with all three aspects to gain the best possible well-being. I am going to take that into consideration when I view all aspects of my life and remember that everything changes and change is good to keep ourselves involved and active in every way possible.
    I also have issues with stress and I am trying to find different ways to cope. Going off your suggestion I think that it would be wise to find new ways to deal with stress. Sometimes I think that we get stuck in a rut and need to freshen things up; even our techniques with dealing with stress.
    I when it comes to my clientele that I will suggest to continuously find new things to add to their fitness routine and life. There is nothing better than experiencing new things in life. I think that it gives us a fresh outlook on life and also keeps us excited for the next new thing; which helps mentally, physically, and spiritually.
    Good post,
    Melissa Brandt
