Monday, August 27, 2012

Bootcamp Workouts

Boot camp workouts are very intense and invigorating they get your heart rate up and really make you sweat. I also enjoy doing them as part of my own workout routine as well. The concept of doing this type of workout is that it incorporates a lot of variety into your workout routine. It also provides a total body workout by incorporating multi joint movement exercises that involve the entire body in just one movement. Boot camp workouts are also very good for changing pace from slow deliberate movements that involve isometric exercises like the squat or lung to something that is fast like sprinting and jumping. I also feel that these types of workouts are among the best types of workouts that you can do for yourself  because they incorporate so much variety into your workout routine which will also help you to get the desired results that you are looking for so that you can achieve your health and wellness goals.


  1. Hi CK,

    The bootcamp idea is a great way to get people involved in physical activity that also helps challenge their mind. It seems that it provides a strong sense of accomplishment when the make it through a class.

    I like doing these on my own at my house, but I am going to begin teaching some Navy Seals training on Tuesday at a facility 25 minutes from my home. It is something I have done before with terrific results.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


  2. Hello Mark good luck with that it sounds like a lot of fun for who remains to be seeen just kidding I know that they train very hard and have to go through extemes at times. I have gone in the ocean in the offseaeson so i know what it is like to go into cold water as well it takes some getting used to thats for sure. I do these workouts myself as well and i really enjoy them because of the fact that they are very challenging. I trully do beleive that variety is the key to any successful workout cheers CK.
