Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Subtle Mind

When i compare the two practices love and kindness and the subtle mind I would have to say that i felt that the love and kindnes presentation was a better experience for me because of the fact that it mentioned more things in regards to how we feel in certain situations in regards to our health. However. while i felt that the subtle mind was interesting it seemed to focus more on breath control and how we can forcus on our feelings and thoughts .

I feel that the connection of spiritual wellness and physical wellness is direcly related to our ability to function as ssingle unit both mentally and physically so that we can manitain proepr balence within ourselves. I feel tha that thi shas manifested itself in many ways in regards to my personal life. I have always felt that if we are able to find a connection between our minds and our bodies that we will be able to maintain a spiritual and physical wellness in our lives. I feel that when i am able to focus on what i need to do and accomplish my goals that I am able to achieve peace and harmony throughout my mind and my body on a regular basis.


  1. I agree with the exercises and feel that the only way to actually make subtle mind a more enjoyable experience is through practice. I found it difficult to redirect my thoughts back to my breathing and letting go of new thoughts, it really felt like an exerciise of my mind, it was like nothing I have ever tried. The inner strength is what I seek to expand, and be able to use in my contemplative workouts, especially because I have a physical fitness test here in October. I also agree that the mind body and spirit work in conjunction with one another and strengthen over time and practice.

  2. Hello Kevin and thank you for responding to my blog I appreciate it. I also have a couple of events coming up later this month and in October as well they are both charity events that are being held in New Jersey one is a 5k run and the other one is a fitness expo where i will be donating two personal training session and will also be talking about nutrition as well good luck with your physical fitness test.
