Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Unit 3 Blog

1. Based on your reflections and on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being optimal well being) where do you rate your A- Physical well-being, B- Spiritual well-being, and C- Psychological well-being? Why?

I would have to say that i would rate myself  a 10 physically because i always do what ever it takes to keep myself in the best shape possible with everything that i do in m my workout routine. I would also rate myself very high in regards to my spiritual well-being because believe that in order for us to have optimal health in our lives it is necessary to have proper balance for everything that we do that is hard like weight training we need to also have something soft like meditation to maintain balance in everything that we do. I feel that psychologically that i can use a little help in this area because i am going through a lot of stress right now in my life and i will find a way to help make this area better for my self.

2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area physical, spiritual. and psychological.

In regards to my physical well-being i feel that i do enough variety with my workout routine that i do not need to change anything because I do a lot of cross training and i also do some other things like yoga, and meditation to add balance as well My goal in all of these areas is to keep everything fresh so that do not become bored with what i am doing to me this is one of the most important things that you can do with any type of routine that we do in our life. Physically i would keep doing what i am happy doing. Spiritually i would try to meditate more often and listen to the sounds of the ocean  or something soothing that makes me feel relaxed. And Psychologically I would try to relax more and do some things that will help me to remain calm.

4.. Complete the relaxation exercise the crime of the century. I felt that this video was very relaxing I like how he mentioned colors for every part of the body so that it would be easy to use for reference when he repeated them later on in the video. I also found this video to be helpful in helping me to relax as well.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping an innovative workout is what I was taught to do as well. Working out does help with stress and I see you are about a 10/10 on physical exercises, so I would work on your psychological exercises like yoga to help heal the negative stressors in your life. Right now I am lacking in physical exercise, not by choice but mainly because I cannot use full strength in my injured wrists from typing and work related stress on my carpuls. This has made me really branch out to different techniques, like resistant bands to help achieve my fitness goals. Being that I am in the Navy, I am forced to be tested on physical activity, but I am also a believer in fitness and have never failed at these tests. I find that the relaxation exercise was effective and easy to follow as well.
