Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Exercise for winter health

Regular exercise or meditation appears to be a good strategy for reducing respiratory infections such as colds and flu. Researchers drew that conclusion after studying a group of older adults during a full winter season in Wisconsin. The study found that participants who started a daily exercise routine had fewer respiratory infections and missed fewer days of work. Mindfulness meditation which focuses on paying attention to your body and emotions also led to protection against illness.

There was a 40 to 50 percent reduction in respiratory infections when people were given a flu vaccine, which is one of the most well proven and beneficial interventions that we have. It only protects at a level of 50 to 60 percent and only for few strains of the flu virus. 

Participants in the study were split into three groups a third did not change their habits a third took part in an eight week program of moderate exercise such as running on a treadmill or biking for 45 minutes a day, and a third practiced mindfulness meditation which included yoga, stretching and walking.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bananas improve endurance

Eating bananas during endurance sports training proved to be more beneficial than consuming sports drinks in a recent study. Trained cyclists consumed either a cup of a carbohydrate drink of a half of a banana every 15 minutes during 75 - kilometer simulated road race lasting up to three hours.

We found that not only was performance the same whether bananas or sports drinks were consumed there was several advantages to consuming bananas Bananas area a favorite source of energy for endurance recreational athletes. They're rich sources of potassium, fiber vitamin B6, and other nutrients. They also have a healthier blend of sugars compared to sports drinks.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Did You Know

Physically fit, healthy middle aged adults have substantially lower healthcare costs as they age compared to their less fit counterparts, according to the American Heart Association. Researchers tracked medicare coverage in more than 20,000 healthy people from 1999 to 2009. For those who began the study in the highest fitness categories, average annual healthcare costs after age 65 were $3,277 for men and $2,755 for women. For those who began at the lowest fitness levels average costs were $5,134 for men and $4,565 for women.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mediterranean diet + CoQ10 = beter benefits

The Mediterranean diet - rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats from fish, nuts, and seeds - is well known as a healthy way of eating. Now a Spanish study of 20 people over the age of 65 has found that it can be even more beneficial with the addition of 200 mg of CoQ10 daily. The study published in the journals of germitology series a found that C0Q10 enhanced the inflammatory effect of the diet and produced more stable levels of blood sugar thereby.lowering the risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

chemicalls in cosmetics increase DIABETES RISK

Chemicals that are commonly found in personal care products such as moisturizers, nail polishes, hair sprays, and perfumes have been linked to an increased risk of diabetes in women. The risk occurs when the chemicals - known as phithalates -  become concentrated in the body. In a recent study women with the highest levels of certain phithalates had almost twice the risk of diabetes.

The chemicals are also used in adhesives, electronics, and other products. Phithalates - free personal care products can be found in most health food stores.

Monday, October 8, 2012

FOOD JOURNALS keep weight on track

Keeping a food journal can be a valuable part of a weight - loss regimen, according to a new study. That kind of self - monitoring led to greater loss of about six pounds over the course of the year. It is difficult to make changes to your diet when you are not paying close attention to what you are eating What you need to do when you are starting to use a food journal is to log down everything that you eat during the course of the day.

  • Be honest - record everything that you eat
  • Be accurate - measure portions read labels
  • Be complete - include details such as how the food was prepared and the addition of any toppings or condiments
  • Be consistent - always carry your food journal with you or use a diet tracking application on your phone
 Interestingly participants who often skipped meals lost nearly eight fewer pounds then those who did not. Those who ate out for lunch at least once a week also lost fewer pounds.

YOGA aids balance

Yoga in a group environment appears to improve motor function and balance in stroke survivors, according to a new study. Participants - who were mostly male veterans - were placed into one of three groups for eight weeks. The first group did group yoga for twice a week , the second did the yoga and listened to a relaxation tape three times a week, and the third had standard medical care but no yoga or relaxation. The yoga classes grew more challenging each week.

Compared with patients in the standard - care group , those in the two yoga groups significantly improved their balance. Participants in both yoga groups also had improved scores for Independence and quality of life and were less afraid of failing. Balance problems often last long after a person has had a stroke and are related to greater disability and higher risk of falls.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More Dairy Less Stroke

Besides the fact that its one of the only beverages that naturally contains protein. Here's another good reason to drink milk: it may help reduce the risk of of stroke and other heart related diseases. A recent study out of the Kerensky institute in Stockholm found that adults (both men and woman) who consumed the most low fat dairy in a 10 year study were 12 percent less likely to suffer from stroke then those at the opposite end of the spectrum.The key reason behind this could be the presence of vitamin D which helps lower blood pressure, a major risk factor for stroke.

Creating Wellness:Psychological & Spritual Aspects of Healing unit 10 blog

I would have to say that since i have been taking this class that some of my personal assessments have changed in a very positive way. I feel that i have learned a lot during the course of this class and what it takes to become a complete person. I feel that my Spiritual wellness and psychological health have improved a lot over the last 9 weeks with everything that i have learned in regards to my health and well - being. I would have to say that my spiritual and psychological health has improved the most because of all of the meditation techniques loving and kindness, the subtle mind, and mindful meditation that i have learned during the course of this class and also learning more about my inner health as well. On a scale of 1-10 I would have to say that i would rate my self a 9 which  to me is a very good improvement because i really did not pay as much attention to this area prior to taking this class although i have been practicing meditation for several years i did not do it on a consistent basis. In regards t my physical health and well - being I have always been very active so nothing has really changed here I would still give myself a 10 here.

I feel that i have also made some very good strides in regards to achieving my health and wellness goals. I also feel that I have achieved everything that i wanted to accomplish and have made significant progress in this area as a result of all of my experience in these areas as well. This class has taught me a lot about the person as a whole and about my inner health and well - being.

I feel that i have made very good progress in all of the activities that i have set for myself it has been very educational and interesting learning all about the aspects of human flourishing and how we can become a more balanced and complete person.

While i have been using meditation for some time now I really did not realize just how beneficial it can be when you practice it on a consistent basis I have increased my awareness through meditation and have also learned how to get rid of any negative thoughts that I have had in my mind and replaced them with more positive ones in the process. I feel that by practicing these activities that i have become a more balanced person in every aspect of my health.

I feel that i have had some really good experiences during the course of this class and that i have also learned to develop a stronger sense of balance between both the mind and the body I truly feel that when we can learn how to foster good health that we will be able to achieve health, happiness, and wholesomeness in our loves so that we can achieve and maintain the balance that we need so that we can live a healthier more productive life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Loving Kindnness, Visualization,meditation etc.

Since I have been taking this class i have discovered how to bring out my inner feelings and to also relive stress by combining all of these aspects of our health and well - being. I actually liked all of the exercises and felt that they were all very beneficial in regards to my health and well - being. If i have to decide to pick and choose the two exercises that i felt were the most beneficial to me then i would have to say that the loving and kindness and the visulization and meditation exercises because they both helped me to get in touch with both myself and my stepfather as well which i felt made me feel very good inside that i was able to do this.

I have been practcing meditation for some time now so i have always felt that it was beneficial to me and my health. However, I also feel that the combination of everything thst we have learned in this class has equally been beneficial as well in helping me to get rid of the negative aspects in my mind and focus on all of the positive ones instead. I feel that when we can combine all of what we have learned and make it a part of our daily lives by practicing it on a consistent basis then we will be able to maintain our health and well - being on every level. It would be so much easier if we were able to just focus on the positive instead of the negative aspects in our lives but i feel that by using these techniques in combination with each other as well as physical exercise and good nutrition then we will be able to achive a state of internal as well as outer health.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


The liver is the body's master cleanser, helping to remove toxins and unhealthy things that the body takes in every day. This includes second hand smoke, exhaust fumes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, radiation, and alcohol as well as recreational drugs. It also helps the body handle the processed and fast foods you may occasionally consume.

Considering all the nutritional and environmental toxins your liver encounters every day making sure it continues to function properly should be more then just an after thought. Taking milk thistle, whose active ingredient is the potent antioxidant silymann is one way to give the liver a helping hand  in helping t to detoxify itself. Take 150 to 300 milligrams of milk thistle extract that is standardized for at least 80 percent silymann two to three times daily with meals.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meeting Aesclepius

I found this meditation to be quite interesting it dealt with inner peace and happiness and wholesomeness In my case i used my connection with my step father who passed away 4 years ago i had a very strong connection with him we often would know what the other one was thinking sometimes if that is not a strong connection then i don.t know what is. I found myself drifting away int a state of relaxation and felt the connection that my step father and i had when i was in this state of consciousness. This type of meditation to me was a combination of all of the other ones love and kindness, the subtle mind and integral health it helped me to be at peace with my self and to clear my mind so that i was able to focus on connecting with my step father.
I feel that one of the best ways for me to continue to foster my heath and happiness is to set aside time at least a few times a week so that i can practice these teachings so that i can achieve a better understanding of how they work on a consistent basis.

The saying 'one cannot lead another where one has not gone him or herself means that if one does not practice and understand that we all are capable of achieving peace and happiness by learning to heal ourselves from within will give us a better chance of maintaining our health on every level. The ability to see the divine in everyone and treat each individual as though he or she so that they will be able to transform and eliminate the suffering inside themselves and replace it with more positive feeling of health, happiness, and wholesomeness and create the necessary balance in our lives that we need in order for us to obtain inner peace in our minds mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. I have always felt that practice makes perfect and in this case i feel that it is essential as well.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Gycemic Index: Why Do We Care?

The Gycemic index is a measure of how much a given food (like fruit) raises your blood sugar. High - sugar foods that convert quickly to sugar in the body - are considered "high glycemic." Why do we care? Because raising blood sugar raises levels of a hormone called insulin, which if raised high enough and long enough and frequently enough, contributes to diabetes, heart disease, and aging. Eating "low glycemic" is a strategy that is virtually guaranteed to contribute to health.

Unfortunately, the glyceminc index is very misleading because it doesn't take into account portion size. The glycemic load is the number that's more important. For now, the take home point of this: Eat less sugar: And eat more fewer foods that convert quickly to sugar in the body ( read: almost all processed carbohydrates). If you're interested in learning more about this - something I would recommend highly that you do - there are so many clear, well written articles on this subject. An excellent article for beginners can be found at http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/glycemicindex.html. Hormel foods also has a good introductory article at http://www.hormel.com/templates/knowledge.asp?caritenid=108&id=767 If your dig into science a little deeper try this article posted on the Oregon State University Web at http://www.lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/foods/grains/gigl.html

Finally the actual tables of the glycemic index and glycemic load can be found at http://www.mendosa.com/glists.htm Remember it is the glycemic load that you want to pay attention to.

Universal Loving and Kindness

I have actually been practicing meditation for years now I have always felt that is is very beneficial to my health and well - being. Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety and it also helps me to concentrate on what i am doing by helping me to focus on what i doing and to also get rid of any of the negative thoughts that are going on in my head at the time.

I discovered that when i can clear my mind of any negative thoughts that i am able to focus more clearly on the things that are more important to me and that i can become one with myself as well. I also feel that it is absolutely essential for us to maintain proper balance in every aspect of our lives so that we can maintain a state of well- being.

I feel that i have always been very motivated as a person because i grew up doing most things for my self in my life so this kind of puts things in perspective for me. If there is an area that i would like to focus more on i would have to say that it would have to be love and kindness because i feel that it would be very helpful for me to think more about and focus my attention on the people who mean the most to me my closest friends and family and most importantly to be able to heal my self from within.

Some of the activities that i would incorporate into my routine that i feel would be beneficial to me would involve a combination of physical exercise like running or cross training examples of this would be weight training, calisthtics, boxing, and plyometrics. I would also focus on the mental aspects of things like meditation, yoga, reading, and relaxing. In my case the beach has always made me feel good because i am an outdoor person and i enjoy doing many things out doors weather I am at the beach or a park or even if I am on vacation somewhere nice and peaceful.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tart Cheery Juice Aids Joint Pain

Tart cherries may help reduce chronic inflammation especially, especially related to joint pain and arthritis . According to new research from the Oregon Health & Science University. Woman with inflammatory osteoarthritis who drank tart cherry juice twice a day for three weeks saw  significant reductions in markers of inflammation. The reductions were particularly pronounced for those who had the highest levels of inflammation at the start of the trial.

With millions of Americans looking for ways to naturally manage pain. Its promising that tart cherries can help, without the possible side effects often associated with arthritis medications.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Subtle Mind

When i compare the two practices love and kindness and the subtle mind I would have to say that i felt that the love and kindnes presentation was a better experience for me because of the fact that it mentioned more things in regards to how we feel in certain situations in regards to our health. However. while i felt that the subtle mind was interesting it seemed to focus more on breath control and how we can forcus on our feelings and thoughts .

I feel that the connection of spiritual wellness and physical wellness is direcly related to our ability to function as ssingle unit both mentally and physically so that we can manitain proepr balence within ourselves. I feel tha that thi shas manifested itself in many ways in regards to my personal life. I have always felt that if we are able to find a connection between our minds and our bodies that we will be able to maintain a spiritual and physical wellness in our lives. I feel that when i am able to focus on what i need to do and accomplish my goals that I am able to achieve peace and harmony throughout my mind and my body on a regular basis.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bootcamp Workouts

Boot camp workouts are very intense and invigorating they get your heart rate up and really make you sweat. I also enjoy doing them as part of my own workout routine as well. The concept of doing this type of workout is that it incorporates a lot of variety into your workout routine. It also provides a total body workout by incorporating multi joint movement exercises that involve the entire body in just one movement. Boot camp workouts are also very good for changing pace from slow deliberate movements that involve isometric exercises like the squat or lung to something that is fast like sprinting and jumping. I also feel that these types of workouts are among the best types of workouts that you can do for yourself  because they incorporate so much variety into your workout routine which will also help you to get the desired results that you are looking for so that you can achieve your health and wellness goals.

Love and Kindness

I enjoyed watching this video it made me feel very relaxed and helped me to focus on all of the aspects of love and kindness. I would definitely recommend this to other people as well because i feel that it will help them to relieve their negative thoughts that they are carrying within themselves. I also feel that I was able to focus and embrace the nature of this video as well. I especially enjoyed the part about giving all of  our friends equal care, love, and kindness, and embracing them in your life on a daily basis.

I feel that the concept of a mental workout is to be able to focus on knowing what is good for us and what is bad for us. I also feel that by implementing my psychological health that i will be able to obtain peace within my mind and body.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Light Weights Build Muscle

Lifting light weights can be just as effective for building muscle as training with heavy weights. I know from my own experience that weight training weather it involves heavy weights or light weights can both be very effective in gaining muscle. The key in any case to building muscle is  working to the point of fatigue. It also helps when you add enough variety to your workout routine as well so that your body does not get to used to the same routine over and over again. This of course challenges the widely held belief that training with heavy weights - which can be lifted 6 to 12 times before fatigue - is the best avenue to muscle growth. Healthy male volunteers were tested to determine the maximum amount each could lift at a knee extension station. They then did these weight - lifting sessions every week for about 10 weeks. Those who did these three sets with 30% percent of their maximum weight saw twice as muscle growth as those who lifted 80% percent of their maximum just one set. Their muscle growth (though not their strength) was equal to a group that did three sets with 80% percent of their max. Many older adults can have joint problems that would prevent them from training with heavy loads may want to consider lifting lighter loads of weight with more repetitions so that they can reduce their chances of injury.  Training with lighter loads of weight can still receive the healthy benefits of working out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Unit 3 Blog

1. Based on your reflections and on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being optimal well being) where do you rate your A- Physical well-being, B- Spiritual well-being, and C- Psychological well-being? Why?

I would have to say that i would rate myself  a 10 physically because i always do what ever it takes to keep myself in the best shape possible with everything that i do in m my workout routine. I would also rate myself very high in regards to my spiritual well-being because believe that in order for us to have optimal health in our lives it is necessary to have proper balance for everything that we do that is hard like weight training we need to also have something soft like meditation to maintain balance in everything that we do. I feel that psychologically that i can use a little help in this area because i am going through a lot of stress right now in my life and i will find a way to help make this area better for my self.

2. Develop a goal for yourself in each area physical, spiritual. and psychological.

In regards to my physical well-being i feel that i do enough variety with my workout routine that i do not need to change anything because I do a lot of cross training and i also do some other things like yoga, and meditation to add balance as well My goal in all of these areas is to keep everything fresh so that do not become bored with what i am doing to me this is one of the most important things that you can do with any type of routine that we do in our life. Physically i would keep doing what i am happy doing. Spiritually i would try to meditate more often and listen to the sounds of the ocean  or something soothing that makes me feel relaxed. And Psychologically I would try to relax more and do some things that will help me to remain calm.

4.. Complete the relaxation exercise the crime of the century. I felt that this video was very relaxing I like how he mentioned colors for every part of the body so that it would be easy to use for reference when he repeated them later on in the video. I also found this video to be helpful in helping me to relax as well.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Amino acids: They're the building blocks of life. Organic compounds that combine to form proteins, amino acids are used by the body to break down food to grow, to repair tissue, and to perform many other functions. We need all of the nearly two dozen amino acids, but it's especially important to be aware of those that are classified as essential because they can't be produced by the body. We need to get them from the nutrients we take in. Here is a rundown of the nine essential amino acids, why we need them and what we should eat to be sure we're getting them.

Histidine: Food Sources rice, wheat, rye. Benefits: Promotes tissue growth and repair, protects against radiation damage. lowers blood pressure. stimulates stomach acid; may improve sexual functioning.

Isoleucine: Food Sources Almonds, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, and soy protein. Benefits: Requir4d for hemoglobin formation: stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy levels, enhances endurance repairs muscle tissue.

Leucine: Food Sources Brown rice, beans, meat, nuts, soy flour, and whole wheat. Benefits: Source of fuel promotes healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue: increases growth hormone production, lowers elevated blood sugar levels.

Lysine: Food Sources cheese, eggs, fish, Lima beans, milk, potatoes, red meat, soy products and yeast. Benefits: fights cold sores and herpes viruses: promotes calcium absorption, growth and bone development in children, collagen formation, and tissue repair.

Methionine: Food Sources beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, meat, onions, soybeans, seeds, and yogurt. Benefits: helps prevent fat buildup in liver and arteries aids in digestion, removes heavy metal toxins, fights muscle weakness, prevents brittle hair, protects against radiation damage.

Phenylalanine: Food Sources beef, poultry, pork, fish, milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, and soy products. Benefits: promotes action of central nervous system, may elevate mood and decrease pain, aids in memory and learning, helps suppress appetite.

Theonine: Food Sources dairy. eggs, meat, wheat germ, nuts, beans, seeds, and some vegetables. Benefits: helps maintain body's protein balance, aids in liver function enhances immune system, aids in formation of collagen elastin, and tooth enamel.

Tryptophan: Food Sources brown rice, cottage cheese, meant, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits needed for production of niacin and serotonin, combats depression and insomnia, helps stabilize mood aids in weight control.

Valine: Food Sources dairy, grains, meat, mushrooms, peanuts, and soy protein. Benefits used in muscle metabolism, tissue repair and nitrogen balance.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Exercise aids sleep

People who make exercise a regular part of their routine are less likely to have trouble falling asleep, to wake up to early, or suffer from leg cramps while sleeping according to a recent survey. Meeting federal exercise guidlines (150 minutes per week of moderate activity or 90 minutes of vigerous activity also has led to less daytime sleepiness as well.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Four Pillars of Healthy Eating

Health starts here is s simple mindful approach to healthy eating that's rooted in these four simple ways to build better meals.

1. Whole Foods: I know from my own personal experiences in regards to eating healthy foods that it is better to eat foods that are in it's purest state, without artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives. I also feel that that foods that are free of chemicals and preservatives are also more nutritious for you as well. When possible eat whole unprocessed foods.

2. Plant Strong: No matter what type of diet you follow including those with diary meat or seafood reconfigure your plate so that the majority of each meal is created from an abundance of raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, legumes, and beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.It is also important to eat a colorful variety of plant based foods as well.

3. Healthy Fats: Eating healthy fats from whole plant sources, such as nuts, seeds and avocados are a very good way to get some healthy fat for your body These foods are rich in micronutrients as well and have many significant health benefits to our body as well as our heart. Work to eliminate ( or minimize extracted oils and processed fats as much as possible from your diet.

4. Nutrient Dense: Try to choose foods that are rich in micronutrients when compared to their total caloric content. micronutrients include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicalls. For more information on this look for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) scoring system in your local food markets. Eating nutrient dense foods are also a very good choice for maintaining your health and well being.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top 10 Core Health Basics

1.. CALCIUM. You know it's critical for bone health, but it also enhances the body's ability to maintain normal weight, regulate blood pressure, and help with PMS. Some studies suggest it protects against colon cancer. Look for calcium citrate for best absorption, and shoot for 1,000 to 1,200mg a day in two doses, with meals to maximize absorption.

2.OMEGA 3s. They'll keep blood pressure normal, lower triglycerides, reduce inflammation, and enhance mood. Some studies also suggest omega-3 fats protect against Alzheimer's. Most people need 1,000 mg a day, but if you're at risk for heart disease or a mood disorder, you may need more, check with your health care practitioner.

3.Vitamin D. Many recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of vitamin D in preventing a number of chronic diseases and conditions, including cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders. The recommended dose still hovers around 400 IU'S, but most experts say adults can safely take 1000 mg a day.

4. Chromium. It helps balance blood sugar levels, and may protect against diabetes. Chromium also protects the heart by decreasing LDL, increasing HDL and lowering blood pressure. Most people need 35 mcg a day of chromium picollinate (the most effective form).

5.PROBIOTICS. In addition to treating gastrointestinal disorders and improving digestion probiotics enhance immune function and fight off infections, and may also protect against colon cancer. Some studies suggest probiotics, also modulate inflammatory response and regulate cholesterol levels. Shoot for doses in the range of 1 billion to 10 billion colony- forming units (CRUs).

6.SELENIUM. It may be cancer -protective especially against colon, lung, and prostate cancers. Many studies - also show that selenium improves immune response and protect against cold and flu. Most people need 200 mg a day.

7. GLUCOSAMINE. It has been shown to reduce joint pain and stiffiness, improve mobility, and slow or prevent the progression of osteoporosis in the knees. You'll find it as a single supplement and in combination with chrodroiten. Most studies found effectiveness at using 1.500 mg a day of glucosamine, and 1.200 mg a day of chrodroiten.

8.MULTIVITAMIN. A multivitamin /multi mineral can fill in nutritional gaps especially in trace minerals and B- vitamins. Look for food based supplements, and be aware of any repeat of other individual supplements you may be taking.

9. FOLIC ACID. Also called folate, this B vitamin is essential for woman of child bearing age to protect against birth defects: it also lowers homocysteine levels to prevent blood clots, strokes, and heart disease, and ma ward off Alzheimer's. The usual dose is 500 mcg a day.

10. MAGNESIUM. Known for its role in home and heart health, magnesium is also a powerful natural stress buster and relaxant. It may also improve sleep and act as a gentle natural laxative. Start with 250 mg a day and increase your dosage up to 1.000 mg a day.